I wrote up a post on how to create extra copies of widgets for multiple sidebars. The trick is to edit the line of code that registers the widget. For example, I wanted to make duplicates of the Creative Commons License widget, so in the file /wp-content/plugins/wpLicense/widget.php I found the line which registers the widget with the system.
register_sidebar_widget(array(‘Content License’, ‘widgets’), ‘widget_cc’);`
and changed it to be four lines
register_sidebar_widget(array(‘Content License 1’, ‘widgets’), ‘widget_cc’);
register_sidebar_widget(array(‘Content License 2’, ‘widgets’), ‘widget_cc’);
register_sidebar_widget(array(‘Content License 3’, ‘widgets’), ‘widget_cc’);
register_sidebar_widget(array(‘Content License 4’, ‘widgets’), ‘widget_cc’);`
Now when I go to the admin interface, four different widgets show up that I can drag to four different sidebars.
Shameless plug: more info about multiple widgets on the blog post.