• Resolved tvejacques


    On both primary and secondary sites in Multisite setup, a problem appeared.
    This is the latest WP version, using Gutenberg.

    On Dashboard Appearance, neither works:
    * Editor (not the Classic, but Gutenberg)
    * Theme –> Customize
    (theme is standard Twenty Twentyfour).

    When following these two links on both sites, suddenly nothing happens.
    This used to work fine.
    The other two links under Appearance do work: Menus and Widgets

    This is not a theme problem as the public pages display fine.

    Online help has not been much helpful.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    FWIW just because the front end works correctly does not mean a theme cannot be at fault in the back end. However, 2024 theme has been thoroughly tested by many and is considered to be problem free.

    Thus it’s likely one your your plugins is causing trouble. Try deactivating all themes network-wide. Your site should then behave correctly. To identify which plugin was at fault, reactivate your plugins, one at a time, until the problem recurs.

    If you still have trouble with 2024 theme and no plugins, it’s possible your last WP update was incomplete. I then recommend performing a manual “update” even though it’s to the same version. I advise not simply using the Reinstall WordPress button on the updates page. Using the above linked manual method with a fresh download and FTP is more reliable IME.

    Thread Starter tvejacques


    Thanks bcworkz
    Found the culprit.
    It was “Conditional Logic for Woo Product Add-Ons”

    Moderator bcworkz


    Nice sleuthing! I recommend seeking further help through that plugin’s dedicated support channel.

    Thread Starter tvejacques



    Thread Starter tvejacques


    Thanks for your support

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