• Hi,
    we just created our first multisite network.
    The base site works perfectly, but every new site I created ends up to a 4o4 not found error site.

    After research, I found that it probably is the .htaccess file, but I have no idea what to change.

    Here is the full file as it is:

    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
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    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
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    RewriteRule ^wp-admin$ wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
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    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    It appears you’re running Nginx web server, which doesn’t support .htaccess rules. So you’ll need to implement Nginx’s own way of doing redirects, not the Apache way (.htaccess).

    See: https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/nginx/

    Thread Starter LINK3D


    thanks for the quick reply.
    I was not aware that there could be something other than apache as the web server ??
    We use ionos or 1&1 as a hosting provider. I can’t find any access to configuring the nginx server… is anybody using the same hosting service and has experience in setting up multisite?

    I was not aware that there could be something other than apache as the web server ??

    We use ionos or 1&1 as a hosting provider. I can’t find any access to configuring the nginx server… is anybody using the same hosting service and has experience in setting up multisite?

    No experience with 1&1… but what control panel do they run? cPanel? Plesk? Some home-brewed solution? Or are you on a private server with no control panel?

    Thread Starter LINK3D


    Thanks, I have no control-panel so I contacted 1&1.
    They were a little bit baffled because their standard web server is apparently apatche.
    Maybe it is somehow connected to our old contract :D, I hope to get a reply soon.

    Some of the EIG owned hosts are running Nginx out front as a proxy with Apache as the actual origin web server. I think One and One might be a EIG host. The Nginx out front proxy is kinda cool though… I like it.

    I’m a little surprised about that 404 error page showing the Nginx reference though. You’d think that a ‘confused’ htaccess file might cause a 404 but Nginx serving the 404 instead of just feeding it through?

    Anyway, looking at your htaccess you have two WordPress directive sections. I’d try deleting the second one as it is most likely the one driving your Apache box and looks to be ‘less’ than what I expected for a multisite.

    Just delete or Rem out the stuff after AddHandler x-mapp-php5.5 .php and see what happens. Save a copy of the htaccess (and wp-config if you change it) before you modify it… just in case.

    You’ll find the wp-config and WordPress specific htacess directives section under this

    Dashboard –> My Sites –> Network Admin –> Settings –> Network Setup

    The rest of what is there (in htaccess) is probably for other pieces of your server and maybe some plugins for cache, security and such.

    Since you’re running an older WordPress install you probably had to accept a subdomain install so every new site is a subdomain of your main site and your Control Panel needs to know to expect that subdomain ‘at the door’ and you’ll need your DNS configured with the subdomains being used and possibly a wildcard A record.

    The Control Panel probably needs to have the subdomains all ‘mapped’ to the root directory (public_html) also.

    The above could be why the Nginx server answered with the 404 now that I think about it. If the server doesn’t know how to answer then the only choice is an error or 404 and in that case, the Nginx server would be the server queried.

    One final thought… Does One and One even allow multisite?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by JNashHawkins.

    I think One and One might be a EIG host.



    1&1 Ionos

    I’m a little surprised about that 404 error page showing the Nginx reference though. You’d think that a ‘confused’ htaccess file might cause a 404 but Nginx serving the 404 instead of just feeding it through?

    We’re on a slippery slope here.

    Shouldn’t your “surprise” be an indicator that, perhaps, your earlier assumptions (the EIG bits) may be wrong? ??

    Anyway, there’s probably a proxy or CDN involved somewhere, as the single IP serving this website is also serving over 14k other websites. But as OP says there’s no control panel, it’s best he/she gets the host to fix it.

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