• johannschnagl


    I’ve got a multisite and I’d like to use the token on all the sites. So I added a filter to the jwt_auth_token_before_sign hook and called

    public function change_token( $token, $user ) {
    $token[‘iss’] = get_site_url(1);
    return $token;

    Unfortunately it seems not to be possible to change the iss for decoding in public/class-jwt-auth-public.php:
    287 /** The Token is decoded now validate the iss */
    288 if ($token->iss != get_bloginfo(‘url’)) {
    289 /** The iss do not match, return error */

    It would be great change line 288 to something like:
    if ($token->iss != aply_filters(‘jwt_decode_iss’, get_bloginfo(‘url’))) {

    Kind regards

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