• Hi,

    I’d like to touch base again regarding a couple of features that are keeping us from using WP Super Cache on a multisite installation:

    1) When a post or page is updated, I believe that this refreshes the cache on the entire installation. (Correct me if I’m wrong.) With many users updating content often, we worry that this would put too much of a burden on the server. So instead, it would be better if the plugin only refreshed the cache for the particular blog that has been updated, as the Quick Cache plugin does.

    2) When a theme is updated (or certain other things happen), the cache is not automatically updated. Therefore, sub-site blog owners will not be able to begin using their newly activated themes until the cache expires. It would be great if the cache would be updated for the particular blog on a theme change (again, as Quick Cache does), or if sub-site admins had a “Clear Cache” button of their own to force a refresh if it’s ever necessary.

    Is there any chance of this functionality being added to WP Super Cache soon? That would make it much more effective for multisite use.

    Thanks for listening!


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  • Hey Mark,

    Thanks for answering those other questions on the forum, it’s appreciated!

    Unfortunately you’re right about it clearing the cache for the entire network (all blogs). That does need to be fixed. It shouldn’t be too hard, I hope.

    There’s a clear cache button but on MS installs that only shows for superadmin users. Perhaps it should show to blog admins as well, especially if I get the bug about clearing the whole cache fixed.

    I think those problems should be addressed before the next release (1.0). There have been a number of big enhancements in the code since the last release however so I need testers. Will post here and on my blog about it.

    Thread Starter markb1439


    >> Thanks for answering those other questions on the forum, it’s appreciated!

    My pleasure!

    Thank you for listening to my feature requests.

    In case it helps, another caching plugin puts the “Clear Cache” button at the top right of the Dashboard. So that’s an easy way to give sub-site admins the capability without having to give them access to any settings.

    Even with a button available to them, it would still be good if the cache was cleared automatically on a theme change…or does that already happen?

    Thanks again,


    Thread Starter markb1439


    Oh, here’s another feature request for multisite: Support for remote login when used in conjunction with your domain mapping plugin.

    For example, if a user has mapped externaldomain.com to his blog at username.ourmultisitenetwork.com…we use remote login to allow admins to login securely via our wildcard SSL certificate. However, I don’t know if the features mentioned above would work (clearing cache, etc.) because the cache is stored by domain name.

    So it would be great if the plugin could account for the mapping and still clear the cache for the blog even if the user is logged into his/her admin area via the original domain.

    Thanks again!


    Hmm, the domain mapping plugin should probably make the cache plugin aware of the domain OR it should call a generic clear cache on that blog_id that all caching plugins could use.

    The cache should be cleared when themes are changed, but not edited.

    Thread Starter markb1439


    Hmm, the domain mapping plugin should probably make the cache plugin aware of the domain OR it should call a generic clear cache on that blog_id that all caching plugins could use.

    Exactly. Are you thinking of adding this functionality to your domain mapping plugin? It’s beyond my scope of ability.

    On the wish list:

    1. Add an option to sleep n seconds between each page cache when preloading. I believe there was a mandatory 5 sec sleep in a previous version, which for my taste is too long. But a user defined sleep should accomodate for different setups and reduce load when supercache starts preloading.

    2. Add a fixed clock time when to begin preloading. As it stands, you can only define intervals, like every 1400 minutes, which will inevitably lead to the preloading schedule being displaced forward or backward in time, because this time counts from the time preloading is finished. For obvious reasons, I would like to preload the site when it is the least busy, and also make it fit neatly into other tasks like optimizing mysql via cron.

    markb1439 – check the file domain-mapping.php in wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/plugins/

    That’s a helper script to clear the cache when needed. I have a feeling it’s not doing the complete job now that the domain mapping plugin is more flexible but it should help. I completely forgot about this until recently. Sorry!

    liangzai – good ideas. Both suggested already but thank you for the reminder!

    Thread Starter markb1439


    Donncha, thanks for the reply. I see the domain-mapping.php file, but I’m not sure how to utilize this file or get it to do the pruning. Can you guide me a bit? I had turned on the plugin support for domain mapping in WP Super Cache.


    You’ll see it gets the domain name for the blog but I can’t remember if that’s the mapped domain or the original domain. These days the plugin can do both for the backend so it needs to be expanded and debugged some and updated probably.

    Sorry to jump in late here, but I didn’t understand the comment about an updated post refreshing the entire cache for a multisite network. I thought unless you had the “clear all cache files when a post or page is published” box checked, an update would simply renew the relevant page in the (preloaded) cache and no other?
    Currently I have a single domain network of blogs with a preloaded cache that does not regenerate completely when it is refreshed via the cron mechanism. The main blog’s posts are refreshed and I am informed of such, but it appears the sub-blogs are not. I thought the whole preloaded cache was refreshed when the main blog was refreshed via the preload page, but have I misunderstood and it is necessary to set the preload page up for each blog?

    zamba – you’re right but with that option set the cached files for all blogs are cleared, not just the single blog the action was performed on.

    And yes, you have to preload on each blog.

    Thanks a lot, Donncha, I’m clear now.

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