• Hi all,
    Over the last few days my site has been having issues accessing images on subpages.
    The page has been running as multisite for around 5+ years with no problems until now.
    Images will not display under “media library” or on the website.
    I can still see all the files inside a “blogs.dir” folder for the sub sites but the main site images are inside “media” folder
    The main site remains fine with no issues & all images load ok.

    I have looked at file permissions for the files & folders to confirm they are set to 644 & 755

    I have tried to search google + this forum & have found others with similar issues but I have not found much that helped me so far.
    most suggested it could be something wrong with the htaccess file?
    I tried to make a few small changes htaccess based on what others said but i still had no luck however i really have no idea what the file does or what particular changes affect (i saved a original so have put it back to default again for now).

    If anyone could point me in the right direction on what to look for & change to fix it that would be amazing.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • if from the site 5 loads foto.png via ftp you find it in this path wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/foto.png ?

    Thread Starter danacs


    yes, if i upload new images via the media library it can be found in wp-content/blogs_dir/5/files/2019/05

    i can view the images in the browser via mydomain.com/wp-content/blogs_dir/5/files/2019/05/image.***

    the site looks for the image in but will not display

    very well there are no problems loading files.
    does this folder shop really exist?
    you can add a rewrite rule before # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/$2 [L]
    when this rule is present, do not upload any files

    Thread Starter danacs


    There is no /shop folder in public_html or anywhere else that i can find.

    The above code has worked for my images :O
    I now get images in media library & on shop subsite.

    I have now noticed another problem, the problem exists with & without the above code.
    If i click on products or categories in the shop page i get 404 errors.
    Using Woocommerce plugin, i wonder if it is a WC plugin issue?

    Thread Starter danacs


    ok, i have now fixed the 404 error.
    it was some changes required in wordpress settings – permalink

    So with your above code above #uploads in .htaccess everything works perfect.

    You said not to upload any files with that rule?
    what would happen if i do?
    what do i need to do to keep the media working & be able to upload new files?

    I’m afraid it’s an WooCommerce permalink conflict.
    you must indicate that you are using a multisite installed (originally <3.5) as a subdirectory in the root directory.https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woocommerce/

    Note* before removing the rule that I made you insert you can post the link of your image? (you can put example.domain.com to not make your url public)
    Unfortunately if the network is installed in the root folder I cannot distinguish when you have to choose whether to upload or view the images.
    I was hoping the shop folder (of the secondary site) is present because this way I could choose if the store was present then execute the rewrite for the visualization of the images otherwise perform the rewrite for the upload of the images.
    after copying the url remove the htaccess rule and visit the site after 20 minutes ..
    It may be that WooCommerce after I have the right permalinks can find the files.

    Thread Starter danacs


    I don’t think it is a woocommerce issue, i have fixed the permalinks now.
    the issue with the images happens on 2 separate pages, one page with WC & the other page does not have WC but still has issues displaying images.

    with your code in the htaccess i have uploaded a file & it seems to work as normal.
    I can view old media & I can also view newly uploaded media
    I can also upload & view media to the main site.

    Everything seems to work as it should.
    I will monitor it over the next few days & let you know.

    thanks again for your help.

    When you need to upload files you have to remove the rule, this path is for the site 5 folder (secondary site) wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/ a limit at your risk I could try two rules together for either the primary site or the single secondary site.
    remove the rule load a file in the main site tell me what the local path is.
    at 200% it is a problem of WooCommerce open the ticket and let us know if it supports an original installation prior to version 3.5 multisite

    https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce/ this plugin as required requires wordpress 4.7 or higher but I don’t think it offers support for current versions 4.7 higher when the first installation was less than 3.5 (file paths change).

    Thread Starter danacs


    thats strange, it has always worked perfectly up to a week or 2 ago.

    do you know if there is a way to convert the wordpress installation to remove the old version stuff to prevent future issues if that makes sense? Without deleting everything & starting all over again?

    on the main site the file uploads to:
    /wp-content/uploads/2019/05/1.jpg (uploaded yesterday with new rule)
    /wp-content/uploads/2016/10/VW.jpg (uploaded 2016)
    actual file location on server is as above.

    /Shop page
    /shop/files/2019/05/n.jpg (uploaded yesterday with new rule)
    actual location: public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/2019/month#/

    everything seems to be working as it should for now.

    I’m sorry, I don’t know how to import a network.
    Each flag is enclosed in square brackets, L indicates not to continue reading the instructions theoretically does not read the rewrite for uploads.
    If you remove my rule and from the secondary site click on the image icon, will you indicate the url (obviously remotely)?
    Maybe I could find other solutions and, if necessary, change the core.
    Meanwhile, I’m glad you solved it. ??

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