• Resolved jtyarks


    I’m running a multisite WP installation and two of the sites use The Events Calendar. After updating to Version 3.4.1, one of the sites says “No events found” in the admin. (There are 154 entries.)

    Using the debug bar, I can see the following error on All, Published and Trash views:

    Unknown column 'eventStart.meta_value' in 'order clause'

    (Note: The pending displays correctly.)

    I confirmed that events display properly on both sites and the other site that uses The Events Calendar displays the events on the admin side without error. (It only has 34 events.)

    Additional notes:

    • I tried the fix for hosts with low join limit, however this did not change the behavior.
    • Deactivating & reactivating T.E.C. did not change the behavior
    • I activated the plugin on another one of the sites in our multisite installation and it worked fine

    As always, any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Thread Starter jtyarks


    Found the issue:

    Our author archive template includes multiple posts types; the function for this was:

    function custom_post_author_archive($query) {
    	    if ($query->is_author)
    	        $query->set( 'post_type', array('post','page','photo','hotspot') );
    	    remove_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'custom_post_author_archive' );
    add_action('pre_get_posts', 'custom_post_author_archive');

    (I had found this code on several posts.)

    After determining that this was causing the issue in both the back-end (displaying “No events found”) and the front-end (the event list displayed out of order), I found Chris Coyier’s post and updated the function to

    function custom_post_author_archive( $query ) {
    	if( is_author() && empty( $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) ) {
    		$query->set( 'post_type', array(
    			'post', 'page','photo', 'hotspot'
    		return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'custom_post_author_archive' );

    …and now things seem to be working properly.



    Glad you found a solution here ??

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