• Hi all, I’m looking for some direction.

    I’m working on a multi-site installation and I’d like to be able to selectively use menus from another site in a widget similar to the Custom Menu widget.

    Does this plugin exist?

    I am aware of this https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/multisite-shared-menu/ but it’s super limited, it only allows for you to share the main nav menu (which isn’t my issue).

    I have some menus that exist in the footer area of my site that’ll be shared across all multisites and I would rather be able to edit those menus in the main sites menu editor rather than have them hardcoded as HTML sitting in the theme folder or something and included in some manner.

    I expect the menus to change often enough that editing them by hand would become annoying quickly.

    What I’m envisioning is a version of the Custom Menu widgit that allows me to select a different site on the network and then select a menu from that site.

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  • Hey Jason,

    If you are familiar with PHP and are comfortable with changing the code you could use a function to get the menu from the first site (or blog).

    There’s a function called switch_to_blog. I’ve used it before for this exact situation and it works very well.

    I tried looking for a plugin for this type of functionality, but could not find it.

    If you need any further help, please let me know.

    Thread Starter Jason


    I figured this would need to be a custom job. I’m attempting to copy the current menu widget and add this functionality.

    Thanks for the help.

    Jason, Im in the same boat as you. Im trying to modify the code so that when it pulls the menu from the master site, it changes all menu links so that they include the multsite name in the link.

    So if the master is the root of your domain:

    and you have a multisite name called “apples” and another called “oranges”? The menus change so that when they are pulled in, they become:


    That way, you can alter one main site and the change goes into effect for the entire multisite network.

    If you’ve already solved this? Inbox it to me >> contact at myusername dot com <<

    Thread Starter Jason


    Hmm, that mail bounced so I’ll respond here. I did manage to solve my menu issue. After a LOT of googling and copy/pasting code from various examples and doing a lot of reading of the WordPress codex. I was finally able to get a working widget that let me pull in any menu from any site on the network and use it on any other site.

    You can find the code here https://pastebin.com/bc2mXb4v

    I plan to work on this further so this is a pretty early (and VERY ugly) copy.

    It lacks nice features like automatically populating the menus dropdown in the widget when you select a parent site for the menu. So you have to hit save after every operation before it’ll populate the dropdown.

    Also it has some issues working with that widget that I linked above. Using the multisite-shared-menu plugin with this will render this one inoperable.

    Also it has not been tested extensively yet so I don’t know what other bugs may be lurking.

    I believe (I could be wrong) that if you code your custom menus correctly to just append the value, that it’d show up the way that you’re looking to do. I can’t be sure though and I’m not in my office so I can’t test it at the moment.

    Jason, Whats your email? I have a solution…

    Thread Starter Jason


    zushiba at gmail.com



    Hi Jason and Efrom, I’ll be interested to know your solution.
    Thank you

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