• Hi there.
    This is a bit of a strugle for me. I’ve been diving into WordPress multisite code for a while now and I’ve got the whole thing running by adding database entries manually (trough sql queries).

    I got a multiple domain, multiple subpage setup. I got a wordpress network up and running. I got https://example1.com and https://example2.com pointing to the same storage on my web server. I started up https://example1.com first, adding a subdomain setup. Then I went into the SQL-server and checked the mu_site (mu is my prefix) table. One entry here so I added another one.
    INSERT INTO mu_site (id,domain,path) VALUES (2,'example2.com','/')
    Now the table shows two lines.

    The next part of the hack is the mu_sitemeta table. On a fresh install there are a bare minimum of information here. So I duplicated the whole thing.
    INSERT INTO mu_sitemeta (site_id,meta_key,meta_value) SELECT 2,meta_key,meta_value FROM mu_sitemeta where site_id = 1

    Now to make things easy, I went into example1.com and added a fresh subdomain trough GUI. Then I entered mu_blogs and found two lines of data. One for example1.com and one for sub.example1.com. I replaced the two fields site_id and domain. blog_id being the primary key in the table and a nice reference I did as following.

    UPDATE mu_blogs set site_id = 2, domain = 'example2.com' WHERE blog_id = 2

    Wolah.. both example1.com and example2.com got its full webpage trough one setup. It really works flawless, but I would like to add some functionality to the network admin.

    – Hitting the admin toolbar “my sites” shows a list of all sites and blogs (no filtering). This is OK.
    – Since there is two site_id’s one get two network-admin pages. This can be a bit disturbing. They are choosen by first entering example1.com and then the network admin sub menu. If you then hit example2.com and goto the same menu, you will get a different admin. Logical enough, but as I said, a bit messy.
    – If you go to the page /wp-admin/network/sites.php the whole query is site_id dependent. And there is where my hack come in handy. A file called /wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php contain a class extention and here is where the query defines/filters out other site_id’s. So I added a little hack here on line 50 and 66. Commenting out the site_id parts. I would love to have this done by a parameter in the future. Any ideas here is most welcome.
    – I’ve added some extra fields with the filter wpmu_blogs_columns and the action manage_sites_custom_column. Now with the help of the site_id and a minimum command I’m able to pick out the main blog_id for each site. This helps me list the total amount of blogs and sites in my big multisite, multiblog network. Hope it helps somebody ??

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Thanks for sharing. The one significant problem is the alteration of core files, even those only affecting how a table works. It’s a really bad practice and it’s really annoying to need to check you modifications after every update. Forgoing updates to avoid this is an even worse idea.

    Unfortunately the prepare_items() method you hacked does not provide a convenient filter in which to remove site_id portions of the query. Probably the best chance of getting a clean hack is to filter the query when it is sent to $wpdb with the ‘query’ filter. Of course every single query in WP goes through this filter, so steps need to be taken to ensure your modification is only applied when necessary.

    I wish I could suggest a parameter approach, there’s probably a way, but I don’t know enough about multisite to formulate an approach, sorry.

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