In fact, problems are when multisites are like:
– https://www.mydomain.tld/site1
– https://www.mydomain.tld/site2
In this case, links used to:
– set a filter from form
– remove a filter or all filters
– set a filter from click
– reverse filter from form
are links to main site.
To correct this, I change $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] to $admin_url in these lines (v2.6 view/index.php):
65 (removing filters):
<a href='{$admin_page_url}?page=wp-slimstat&slimpanel=$current_panel$get_filter_to_use$get_orderby$get_direction$url_filter_removed'><img src='$wp_slimstat_view->plugin_url/images/cancel.gif' alt='" . __('x','wp-slimstat-view')."'/></a>;
160 (click to filter)
document.location.href = '<?php echo $admin_url ?>?page=wp-slimstat'+window.chart_data[item.seriesIndex][item.datapoint[0]][2];
201: (set filter by form)
<form action="<?php echo $admin_url ?>" method="get" name="setslimstatfilters" onsubmit="if (this.year.value == '<?php _e('Year','wp-slimstat-view') ?>') this.year.value = ''">
268: (reverse filter)
<?php if ($current_panel != 5): ?><a>?page=wp-slimstat&slimpanel=<?php echo $current_panel ?>&direction=<?php echo $reverse.$wp_slimstat_view->filters_query; ?>"><?php _e('Reverse','wp-slimstat-view') ?></a><?php endif; ?>
272: (remove filters)
<p class="current-filters"><?php if(count($wp_slimstat_view->filters_parsed) > 1): ?><a>?page=wp-slimstat&slimpanel=<?php echo $current_panel ?>'><img src='<?php echo $wp_slimstat_view->plugin_url ?>/images/cancel.gif'/></a> <?php endif; echo substr($filters_list, 0, -2) ?></p>
expects this may help in further versions…