• Resolved Natascha Vantuykom


    I saw the topic on multisite compatibility from a few months ago.
    My question is, is it possible to create a tour that automatically is set for all new subsites? So when a user creates a subsite, the tour is allready in place (same tour for all subsites)

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  • Plugin Author Tomá? Groulík


    Well it should be possible but it is not in scope of our plugin as it is basically cloning sites.
    However you can use https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/multisite-cloner/
    With this, you should specify template site, where you create a tour and when new is created, it will be copied. Only thing that I’m not sure is if starting page will be correctly set at all cloned pages.
    Let me know if this helps and it is working.

    Thread Starter Natascha Vantuykom


    Hi, thank you for your response, I’ll try that.
    another question, is it possible to hide the plugin from the sitemenu for everyone except the networkowner?

    Plugin Author Tomá? Groulík


    thank you for a question. This is not implemented so it is not possible by plugin itself. Maybe there is some plugin, that can show/hide menu if it is/isn’t network admin.
    If you don’t find a solution, let me know and I can add this to development plan for next releases.

    Plugin Contributor supportdeeppresentation


    We are marking this topic as resolved as we haven’t heard from you for more then 2 weeks. Don’t hesitate to reopen or create new topic if you need to.
    Have a nice day

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