Uploaded File Path #
Your first site on a fresh install will put uploaded files in the traditional location of /wp-content/uploads/, however all subsequent sites on your network will be in the /wp-content/uploads/sites/ folder, in their own subfolder based on the site number, designated by the database. These files will be accessible via that URL.
This is a change from Multisite 3.0-3.4.2, where images of subsites were stored in /wp-content/blogs.dir/ and were shown in and and so on. If you started with a Multisite install older than 3.5, it is not an error if your images show with the URL of /files/.
Regardless of WP version, these locations cannot be changed by site admins. Only the network admin can make changes on the site settings page. It is not recommended that you change these without understanding how both the ms-files.php works in conjunction with your .htaccess, as it can easily become non-functional. If the /files/ urls aren’t working, it’s indicative of a misconfigured .htaccess or httpd.conf file on your server.
Exampe id 2