• girdy74


    I think I might have things a bit turned around with how WordPress Multisite works. So I have a main website in the root and another separate WP install in a subdirectory:
    / (full install with files and database)
    /site1 (full install with files and database)

    At first I thought I could just join the two using multisite so that I could quickly edit and update each site. But, I think I have that incorrect. If I want to have both of these WP sites within a WP multisite, what exactly do I need to do in order to achieve this..?

    I know that when you go through the ADD A SITE it creates a virtual one. If I create “site1” (under ADD SITE) and enter the path, it’s not really using that separate WP install in the site1 directory correct? It’s just creating a virtual one but because I do actually have a subdirectory called site1, things are getting confused and they are not connected.

    Do I need to use a plugin to move everything over to the virtual site and then delete the actual WP install within the subdirectory site1?

    Thanks for any help, recommendations or suggestions.

    Learning the process of multisite. ??

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  • Hi there, I hope I can help unconfuse you slightly. With multisite your subdirectory sites will not require a physical subdirectory on the server the way you have now.

    Multisite enables sites to share the same database and core files, though each site has its own group of tables to store content and settings. It keeps track of which site is which by assigning each a unique ID number. WP knows from the URL which ID to use and loads the theme, plugins, settings and content associated with it.

    There ARE separate subdirectories for images and documents uploaded to the Media library for each site. These are in wp_content/uploads/sites — so they’re still inside the multisite installation.

    If the site you have in the physical subdirectory is small and simple, you could use Tools > Export to export your content, create a subdirectory site in your multisite and then use Tools > Import on that site to pull in your content. This won’t carry over your settings, though, so you’ll still need to sort out the details.

    I’ve been told that Backup Buddy can be used to migrate a site. Information is online at https://ithemes.com/codex/page/BackupBuddy:_Manual_Migration. I haven’t used this myself, so I can’t provide additional advice on that score.

    One further bit of information: if you want the subdirectory site in multisite to have the same name as the physical subdirectory, you’re going to have to rename that physical subdirectory since you can’t have two things at the same URL.

    If you use the Export and Import tools rather than a plugin to migrate a site, this may be helpful: https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/migrating-multiple-blogs-into-wordpress-multisite/, with one exception: I’d recommend making sure the theme and plugins from the subdirectory site are on the multisite BEFORE importing content so you can activate them ASAP.

    Thread Starter girdy74


    Thank you susanwrotethis! This helps a ton. My hunch was correct then. I need to backup the subdirectory WP site and add this via the multisite in order to get things to be listed and available within the multisite install. Once I get the backup completed and things in place, I should be able to just rename the other install so that the site I add via the “Add a Site” doesn’t have the same directory name as the separate install.

    I appreciate all your help and recommendations!

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