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  • Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    Please get me site URL please

    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    There could be other fields Being required like see below the fields that are being used by the plugin

    $token_id = Stripe_Token::create(array(
     				"card" => array(
     						'number' 	     	=> sanitize_text_field(str_replace(' ','',$_POST['stripe-card-number'])),
     						'cvc' 				=> sanitize_text_field($_POST['stripe-card-cvc']),
    						'exp_month' 		=> $exp_month,
    						'exp_year' 			=> $exp_year, 
    						'name'  			=> $wc_order->billing_first_name.' '.$wc_order->billing_last_name,
    						'address_line1'		=> $wc_order->billing_address_1 ,
    						'address_line2'		=> $wc_order->billing_address_2,
    						'address_city'		=> $wc_order->billing_city,
    						'address_state'		=> $wc_order->billing_state,
    						'address_zip'		=> $wc_order->billing_postcode,
    						'address_country'	=> $wc_order->billing_country
    		$charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array(
    				'amount' 	     		=> $amount,
    				'currency' 				=> $this->stripe_storecurrency,
    				'card'					=> $token_id->id,
    				'capture'				=> STRIPE_TRANSACTION_MODE,
    				'statement_descriptor'  => 'Order#'.$wc_order->get_order_number(),
    				'metadata' 				=> array(
    											'Order #' 	  		=> $order_id,
    											'Total Tax'      	=> $wc_order->get_total_tax(),
    											'Total Shipping' 	=> $wc_order->get_total_shipping(),
    											'Customer IP'	  	=> $this->get_client_ip(),
    											'WP customer #'  	=> $wc_order->user_id,
    											'Billing Email'  	=> $wc_order->billing_email,
    										   ) ,
    				'receipt_email'         => $wc_order->billing_email,
    				'description'  			=> get_bloginfo('blogname').' Order #'.$wc_order->get_order_number(),
    				'shipping' 		    	=> array(
    											'address' => array(
    												'line1'			=> $wc_order->shipping_address_1,
    												'line2'			=> $wc_order->shipping_address_2,
    												'city'			=> $wc_order->shipping_city,
    												'state'			=> $wc_order->shipping_state,
    												'country'		=> $wc_order->shipping_country,
    												'postal_code'	=> $wc_order->shipping_postcode
    											'name' => $wc_order->shipping_first_name.' '.$wc_order->shipping_last_name,
    											'phone'=> $wc_order->billing_phone
    Thread Starter amq


    i don’t use the following:

    ‘address_line1’ => $wc_order->billing_address_1 ,
    ‘address_line2’ => $wc_order->billing_address_2,
    ‘address_city’ => $wc_order->billing_city,
    ‘address_state’ => $wc_order->billing_state,
    ‘address_zip’ => $wc_order->billing_postcode,

    can you make them optional?

    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    For the time being just comment out the lines and i will make sure to release a setting in future updates

    comment out lines and try and let me know if that works for you

    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    I am changing it to resolved now if issue occurs i will reopen ticket and sort it out for you

    when I removed “shipping” from Stripe_Charge::create I get an error “SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data”. Also I tried to leave it as an empty array. According to stripe api: “shipping optional, default is { }”

    I’m trying on test site without outer access. I’m quite advanced wp dev. Can you describe what’s the problem with shipping?

    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    let me do that on my local & get back to you

    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    what do you mean removed shipping you dont want to send shipping as well to stripe ?

    yes, I don’t have shipping address. It’s virtual downloadable products. Error is the same with code above

    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    ok i removed shipping from code try this one please i just checked

    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    i just checked on my setup i got this with no shipping method enabled from woo commerce

    let me know if you still face issue

    I tried this already. Still have “SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data” on the top of checkout form.

    Plugin Author syednazrulhassan


    in that case i will need site access to check if you already tried this its different from previous one (both shipping billing is diabled in code)

    i am on woocommerce 2.4.6 and this plugin and it works and i sent you shot

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