• Hello, this question is likely for WordPress Core support as well. Please forward to them if appropriate.

    I currently have 12 blog posts and the WP Dashboard > Settings > Reading value is set to the default 10. So I would expect posts (1-10) + (11-12) displayed on two pages.That isn’t happening.

    I tried setting set my theme’s Blog Pagination to Standerd. I see the expected 10 posts on Page 1. But when clicking next to see older posts, I get a 404 due to a non-existent https://mytechguy.ca/blog/page/2. When setting Pagination Style to Infinite Scroll, I get the message “No more pages to load” below the tenth (default) entry.

    Changing the default value to an arbitrarily large number is a workaround to dispaly everything on a single page, but I want multiple pages. What am I doing wrong?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,

    Try to follow the below steps and let me know it works or not.

    Step 1 – Go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and save the settings. No need to change anything just hit the save button. Check your site it works or not.

    Step 2 – Add the below code to the functions.php file of the child theme.

    function owp_cb_pagination_rewrite() {
      add_rewrite_rule(get_option('category_base').'/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$', 'index.php?pagename='.get_option('category_base').'&paged=$matches[1]', 'top');
    add_action('init', 'owp_cb_pagination_rewrite');

    Now repeat step 1 and reload the site.

    Thread Starter Roy


    Hello Amit and thank you. Unforunately same problem, despite following Step 1> Step2> Step 1.

    I have never switched themes but maybe uninstalling the parent and child, and reinstalling just the parent might help? Is it a big deal to try that? I mean is there any post-theme reinstall site rework? Because I wonder if the parent theme has become corrupted somehow.

    As evidence, this pagination issue shold have “just worked” in the customizer. Just like my last issue with the unwanted title showing on my 404 page. I may be new to WordPress but I’m sure I had customizer setting correct in both cases. Both issues were dealt with in the child theme… that doesn’t sound right…?

    What do you think?

    In my opinion, child theme gives the flexibility to add/edit the theme and adding new features.
    If you want to use OceanWP child theme, then simply follow the below steps.
    Step 1 – Go to Dashboard > Theme Panel > Import/export and export the json file.
    Step 2 – Install the OceanWP child theme.
    Step 3 – After activating the OceanWP child theme, go to Dashboard > Theme Panel > Import/export and import the json file you exported in step 1.

    Thread Starter Roy


    Did the above and still no luck. I even tried reinstalling parent & child themes. I’m sad to say, but my enthusiasm for this otherwise excellent theme is seriously starting to drop. Please read below carefully.

    Yes I’m new to WordPress and web development, but I have years of corporate IT design and analyst experience. So with that said, I have tactical as well as more strategic concerns. The below is not meant to be a rant or an attack. Rather, I’m hoping for a thoughtful response from the appropriate person(s) at OceanWP.

    Tactical: The suggested functions.php addition to the child theme changed nothing. My blog pagination problems are still the same as described above.

    Strategic: Giving users child theme hacks as a tactical band aid for a parent theme with broken components is plain bad practice. The parent theme should either substantially work as itemized in the various customizer menus, or those less-than-functional menu items get held behind until they’re ready for Production at a later release. Case in point, this pagination issue of mine.

    Functionaly blog pagination is a basic requirement that any blogger would expect from any theme. That it doesn’t work out of the box with OceanWP is bad enough. That it doesn’t work even with modded functions.php in the child theme is even worse.

    *end editorial.

    For right now: Please fix blog pagination. I’d rather see it in the parent theme (where it should be) but I’ll settle for functional code for my child theme for now.

    I honestly don’t want to switch themes, I really do Like OceanWP a lot. But I gotta have at least basic functionality without any muss or fuss. (That means custom 404 pages too, you know what I’m talking about… ?? )

    Theme Author oceanwp


    Hello @clg87, I’m Nicolas, the founder of OceanWP, I just checked the pagination, everything work perfectly with the latest version of WordPress, check this demo: https://simple.oceanwp.org/blog/

    You can see that there is no problem with the pagination. Do you use PHP 7, is everything updated on your site? Have you tried to regenerate your permalinks?

    Thread Starter Roy


    Hi @oceanwp @apprimit

    First off, thank you Nicolas and Amit for your quick response and your obvious ongoing commitment to support and grow the theme. I give you a 100% 5 star review on that front. And yes, I see that blog pagination at https://simple.oceanwp.org/blog/ is fine. Thus the root cause of my ongoing problem is still a frustrating mystery.

    Here are answers to your questions, plus a few other facts which may be helpful:

    * Workflow: Customizer> Blog> Blog Entries> Blog Pagination Style>{tried all 3 options}
    (For Single Post settings, I’m using theme defaults)
    * Permalinks: Regenerated as per previous instructions from @apprimit.
    >> Flushed both server & browser caches afterwards to ensure a pristine environment.

    * Best Practices, I always keep all CMS component & dependencies current at all times.
    >> Specifically:
    * WordPress version: 5.0.1
    * PHP: 7.2
    * Page Builder: Elementor 2.3.5
    * Ocean parent: latest version from the WordPress repo yesterday
    * Ocean child: latest archive pulled from GitHub, yesterday
    * Child theme: functions.php modified as per guidance from @apprimit
    >> supplied code snippet for the current pagination problem did not resolve the issue.
    >> supplied code snippet for a previous recent 404 page problem did resolve the issue.

    — Other Info (likely unimportant but here you go anyway) —
    * Root casue is unlikely to be a hosting problem:
    >> I deployed my site locally (XAMPP), same issues as on live.

    * Host: WHC Web Hosting Canada, small (~150 MB) MySQL Db, small (~2GB) used disk space
    >> Shared Hosting with minor and unsurprising latency at times (ftp, database, cPanel)
    >> SSL Cert, unlimited space & traffic, support for Python and Ruby
    >> Web Server: Vendor forced “upgrade” from Apache to Litespeed recently ??

    I know you want to help. I’d like to help too. What other info can I provide, what other actions can I take?

    Theme Author oceanwp


    Hi @clg87, unfortunately, our answers are very limited on the free support because of many restrictions on the forum, for example, we cannot ask for login details as it is against the forum rules so we will not be really able to help you more at this level.
    Do you have the same problem with another theme or it is only with OceanWP? Have you tried to ask to your host if they know what could be the issue?

    Thread Starter Roy


    @oceanwp thanks for your quick reply and I completely understand your position on free support. I will review your paid support and paid theme options and decide from there. I will likely also try another theme (Astra) on localhost, see how it goes.

    Finally (I guess I don’t want to let it go lol): Child themes are a great way to extend and preserve new functionality while remaining on the parent theme upgrade path. They are not an approriate vehicle for production break fixes, unless said break fix is very temporary, and is thoroughly tested before making it to the next sceduled production release. But enough on that.

    Thanks again and continued success to you and your team ??

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