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  • Plugin Contributor mconte


    Hi! Social Articles is not compatible with buddypress 1.7. I’m working in a new version. It will be ready on next monday.
    Thanks for using our plugin!

    Thread Starter Viktor Lecter


    Ok, thanks for respond… I see another options for your plugin like: but yours are the best… so I waiting for your update (I pray for nobody enter to my archives in this three days).

    I have BP 1.7 and WP 3.5.1 installed. how much longer will it take to get an update?

    @victorvizcaino did you fix the CSS issues? other that that, did you encounter any other issues? i mean, is this plugin safe to install?

    Thread Starter Viktor Lecter


    @allenpayne Yeees, its safe to install, no have any problems with my database (the most important thing), I test it with BD 1.7, so take care because now we have BD 1.7.1. Its a good plugin, but about the pitiful delay now I use with because I need to personalize the posting option and quite the capability to choose other category (I put only one by default), and quit attachent and other options, my users now have the capability to put only the title and the post. I did this by edit bp-simple-front-end-post/form.php and quit this code:

    <!— generating the file upload box –>
    <?php if($this->upload_count):?>

    <label> <?php _e(‘Uploads’,’bsfep’);?></label>

    <div class="bp_simple_post_uploads_input">
    <?php for($i=0;$i<$this->upload_count;$i++):?>
    <label><input type="file" name="bp_simple_post_upload_<?php echo $i;?>" /></label>
    <?php endfor;?>

    <?php endif;?>

    <?php if($this->has_tax()):?>
    <div class=’simple-post-taxonomies-box clearfix’>
    <?php $this->render_taxonomies();?>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <?php endif;?>

    <?php //custom fields ?>
    <?php if($this->has_custom_fields()):?>
    <?php echo "<div class=’simple-post-custom-fields’>";?>
    <h3>Extra Info</h3>
    <?php $this->render_custom_fields();?>
    <?php echo "</div>";?>
    <?php endif;?>

    <?php if($this->show_comment_option):?>
    <div class="simple-post-comment-option">
    <h3>Allow Comments</h3>
    <?php $current_status=$this->comment_status;
    $post= get_post($post_id);

    <label for="bp-simple-post-comment-status">
    <input id="bp-simple-post-comment-status" name="bp_simple_post_comment_status" type="checkbox" value="open" <?php echo checked(‘open’,$current_status);?> /> Yes


    <?php endif;?>

    Honestly, Social articles is more visual than buddyblog and simple front end post.

    Plugin Author Broobe


    Hi guys,

    Sorry for the delay with the new version…I’m having a lot of work these days, so I don’t have time to improve this plugin. I think that next week I will upload a version with BP1.7 compatibility and a new feature to publish the posts without admin review.

    Keep in touch!

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