My blog is now working after solving the url change mistake
Hi. I am having terrible problems in my blog. By mistake, I change the blogs url and had some trouble, getting the blog in its old form.
I first try all the tricks and instructions you find here at, but they happen to not work for me. After several intents to solve the problem I manage to modify the URL of the blog in the DATABASE using php my Admin. With this made, the blog start from showing a 404 error to a 500 serve error.
Second I erase all files from the blog except the content ones, and replace them with new ones that I downloaded from the The blog start to show up, everything is broken. This is how the blog looks like
I can’t login to the control panel of WordPress and everything is like broken, I don’t know very much about blogging, I am a newbie. Can someone please help me? I have more than 120 old posts very important to me and don’t want to start all over again.
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