• Hi guys!

    I would like to share my brand new blog, it’s football related and I am really proud of it! I and a team of writers run it and write articles. It is called The Halfway Line, please take a look and tell me what you think, whether it is good or bad. If you don’t like it then please give me constructive criticism rather than hate so I can improve! ??


    Thanks in advance!

    [ Signature moderated. ]

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    How come you/ your theme developers have disabled the focus (tab key) visual indicator on your site? It’s normally a dotted line around links.

    Thread Starter tsiddons


    Hmm, I have no idea.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    There’s a lot of stuff on your Homepage. What is the goal of your Homepage and are you sure each component contributes towards the goal? Have you considered cutting down on components that are less significant?

    Thread Starter tsiddons


    What components would you class as insignificant?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    I wouldn’t know, it’s relative to what you want the Homepage to do. If you want the homepage to promote your social status then I’d say those components were significant. Or, for example if your Homepage was meant to help people find more content then the Tag Cloud would be pretty significant.

    Thread Starter tsiddons


    I find all are significant to me, and I prefer a busy homepage to an empty one!

    One thing I struggle with is page views, I just struggle to get more traffic, have you got any ideas?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Hey Tsiddons,
    First off, I like the site. The domain and the big background image all match with the theme. Overall very appealing and clean layout.
    There are a couple of things I want to be picky about because the site’s heading in the right direction
    1. The site’s logo and the green field background image are pretty heavy. Try optimizing the bg. As for the site’s logo, it’s really large refer: you might want to scale that down.
    2. The snowflakes is pretty, but that trend has passed. These effects can come off being a wee bit tacky as that trend of seasons affecting websites has gone.
    3. The header navigation is repeated above and below the logo creating redundancy. Stick with one of the two
    4. The footer navigation links are broken into two lines, try keeping all the links in one line like that of the header.
    5. You have this rich green in the background which color clashes with the blues used for the logo and heading text. Try using more complimentary colors for eg:
    5. Use one line to describe what the site is about in the header
    6. The subscribe field is right up there which is helpful and I’m glad the site doesn’t start with that forced option (also see Tab Closed; Didn’t Read
    7. The ‘About’ section is placed well above the pages fold, which is good. But the content is a little vague in my opinion.
    8. Follow us on Twitter – Have two to three feeds, any thing more than that can become noise
    9. Since your site hosts a lot of articles, give that more than the current 50% page width that it has currently been assigned.
    10. The middle column can be incorporated in the right column.

    Here are some really good tips from Good UI that might be worth while.

    All the best!

    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Looks good thus far! Something that might make it a little more visually appealing would be to have the latest post featured – larger – and the older ones with thumbnails beneath. Just a thought. But overall, I think you’re heading in the right direction!

    Cool and very well organized layout.

    But on the flip side:
    Your sites loading time is bit more.You might have used some heavy scripting if you had remove it so that the lading time of the site can be decreased.

    My firefox stopped responding after clicking on the url. Onlything I saw was a patch of green stuff to the left of my screen. Dunno if its my pc or there is a faulty script.

    Hey tsiddons,

    I am a big fan of football and I really like your website. You did great job…

    Thread Starter tsiddons


    Thank you neeks_89!

    What in particular do you like about the site?

    How did you find out about The Halfway Line?


    First of all congrats for your brand new blog. I must say your hard work on this blog can be seen. Logo looks authentic, and layout too is cool. Only thing I can suggest you that you can limit your blog roll to 5 or 6 posting. Thanks.

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