This problem happens for many reasons. For example your hosting performance, PHP configuration, WP memory limit, Plugin conflict. These are the main reason for your Elementor Editor not loading issue.
PHP version: update your PHP version to 7.2 or higher.
Simply log in to your Cpanel and search for the PHP version. Then click on it and set the PHP version.
WP Memory limit: Then increase your WP memory limit to 256M or higher.
You can do it from your WP-config.php file in your WordPress root directory.
Check Plugin conflict: If the upper two steps do not work then follow this step. Disable your plugin one by one and reload your Elementor Page editor each time. It will take time if you have installed too much plugin on your WordPress website.
Hosting Performance: If nothing works for you, then I recommend you to call your hosting provider and tell the issue. I hope your hosting provider’s technical support team will help you to solve this.
If you face a problem to do the first and second steps then you can check this blog post too: https://master-addons.com/elementor-editor-not-loading-issue/
On above article, you will see a video on how to increase the WP memory limit and some screenshots of changing the PHP version from Cpanel.
I hope these tips will work for you.
Thank You
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
Liton Arefin.