• Hello,

    I transitioned from a WordPress.com hosted site to a .org self-hosted site in January.

    One small thing that has been bugging me is that when my posts were listed on OTHER SITE’S Blogspot blogroll, my favicon and featured image no longer show up beside the link to my site. Instead, there is just a link to my latest post and a Blue Host (my hosting service) favicon.

    When I was hosted by WordPress, the featured image thumbnail and favicon would always show up on Blogspot blogrolls.

    Is there a plugin you can recommend that will fix this?

    Once again, this is not about getting other people’s thumbnails to display in my blogroll, it is about getting the same type of display on other people’s blogrolls that I enjoyed when I was hosted by WordPress.com.

    Thank you so much in advance for any help you can offer.

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  • the link to your favicon.ico is in your theme’s header.php file

    make sure the url is correct

    view your website then view page source

    ‘<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”/favicon.ico” />’

    you should see something like that

    if you uploaded the favicon.ico by ftp make sure that you did so in Binary not Ascii
    you should be able to view the file directly in your browser


    or where ever you located it.

    if you can’t you probably uploaded it as ascii format.. maybe

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