• Hey everyone! I now have my first ever site up powered by WordPress. WP is awesome once you get the hang of it.

    The site is https://www.theprogressiveblog.com/

    I am looking for feedback on the site so please let me know about it. I am using the Liberated theme for it currently. Thanks for checking it out……

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  • Very clean looking, not cluttered. Nice layout. I really like the simple but powerful use of color choices.

    As is typical for a lot of blogs, the font in the content is just a smidge too small and could be a little larger as your blog is about READING not looking. Also, there is a lost looking link in the top of your side bar called “Home”. I would put it below the title “Navigation” or just get rid of “Navigation” and change the “Home, About, etc” links to the same font as Navigation and just let it sit there. We know what it is. That would also give the sidebar a nice look and draw the attention to the top of it, but not scream LOOK AT ME.

    There are just a few little validation errors that need to be cleaned up to make your site perform better across the various browser and keep future problems from escalating.

    Clean, solid looking, and for the most part the look matches the content. Remember, you want people to focus on the words, so make the words important and readable.

    One last thing. I have seen a lot of “The Progressive Blog” titles lately so I did a search. Titles aren’t copyrightable, but “names” are and there are a LOT of “The Progressive Blog” names, titles, and descriptors out there, so you might want to find something more original to avoid future problems, conflicts, and to create your own unique identity. I love the logo look, so it might be a hard thing to give up, but I just thought you might want to know.

    People often assume that their little blog won’t turn out famous or anyone will notice. I’m sure that Matt Mullenweg thought that his little effort at making his own blogging software would be something he and a couple of friends could use when he first started, not something that would soon have almost 300,000 downloads and who knows how many installs, and his blog would be so widely read. You never know… ??

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