• Hi everyone, I have started my first blog, mytimetosparkle.com and I would really appreciate any feedback that you might have on the site.
    Do you think the theme I am using is user-friendly enough?
    Thank so much, I am really enjoying wordpress, and continue to learn more about it everyday.

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  • Anonymous User 393930


    It’s a good first blog – unique and personalised to you (which is fine because it’s a blog about you), but you have to deicide if you want to blog to write or to be read; for that later you need to give readers some reason to come back.

    The design is a bit flat and grey and you should try to add it some colour to the main part (taking them from the excellent main image). The page links look a bit out of place (again colour will help). You might also consider swapping out the categories for tags instead which would free categories for a few major (maybe colour coded) content divisions.

    Thread Starter sparklegal


    Thanks BrokenCrust! I really appreciate your input. I never thought about the tags vs. categories- that makes so much more sense since you have mentioned it.

    Nice blog. Here are some feedbacks:

    1. The text on your header image is hard to read.

    2. Putting some images on your posts can dramatically improve your blog. Even if they’re small ones. Trust me.

    3. Add a contact page.

    Cheers ??

    Thread Starter sparklegal


    Thanks Isaac,
    I love your blog by the way.
    I made some changes, and if any of you see this, wen you get the time please check it out!

    I’m in the process of adding images right now as well.

    It’s much better now. The text is easy to read, and you have a nice contact page. Good job!

    Thanks for visiting my blog btw ??

    good job

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