• sammied79


    I have never done this before so i would like as much feedback as possible, i don’t care if it is positive or negative i want it running and looking good….any comments are appreciated. The page is https://www.fayesdonline.com thanks

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  • f15d9f87d


    Get original content and stop trying to make a buck off of someone elses work (ie all of the articles you’re scraping from other sources and then piling adsense on top of them). Congratulations, your spam blog is top notch in being mediocre at making you money via no work at all.

    The American Dream.

    All snide-ness aside, the ads are the exact thing that make your site look unprofessional and just cringeworthy.

    Thread Starter sammied79


    Well on that note i would like to say, i have in no way taken credit for the posts on the page, if you look at the bottom of them they actually have where the content came from so people can go there. Therefore i suppose you can say, it is generating traffic for those sites also, win win situation and when i have original content it will be going there with all the others. And of course it looks unprofessional, I AM A NEWBIE AT THIS. Thanks for the comment, i will endevour to make it look more professional for the future……

    The Australian Dream (i understand where your arrogance comes from)

    p.s. good luck with project sness? i wish i had all that free time on my hands



    Good domain name.



    Yeah, it must be horrible not to be able to find 30 minutes in a day to do something enjoyable.

    Thread Starter sammied79


    yeah, it’s called looking after a 10 month old gorgeous baby boy…



    That was about as inspired as your website. On a serious note, you profit off of other peoples work and your excuse of shared traffic is as valid as your “oh you’re American = arrogant” assumption/comment.

    My actual commentary (when taking away the snide and troll worthy bits) is actually still very valid: get rid of some of the advertising, because it makes your site look horrible.

    But hey, it’s not like you asked for my opinion or anything. Oh wait…

    Thread Starter sammied79


    HEY i asked for opinions NOT rudeness (first comment), and thank you, i put those ads there because that side looks bare and i don’t know how to put anything there as yet…and there has been no profits.



    Well it is hard to profit off of something when you’re the 50th site to republish the same article. Would have been much easier to go with a fixed width single-column layout that makes better use of the screen space without resorting to “advertisements as filler”.



    Hi sammied79 –

    I think the layout is nice and clean for what it’s worth, and regarding the comments above – do be careful those articles aren’t copyright protected. Even though you’re explicitly giving credit, you need to check with the authors in most cases to ensure you have their permission to reprint as I understand it.

    Can I ask, though, how long have you had the site up and are you generating significant traffic?

    I’ve been struggling with the traffic – and haven’t ventured into any advertising yet. Just put up a thread yesterday: “A Noob’s First Site: Comments/Tunes?” within this forum. If you (and any/everyone else reading this) could take a look, I would appreciate it. I don’t want to detract from your thread here, though.

    Hope this is of some help…


    Thread Starter sammied79


    i have had it up for 2 weeks now and have had 397 visits. I haven’t really done ads either and i think a few of those would be me signing in and refreshing to see changes i have made…thanks for the comment. He he he i made a new one a few days ago Rpg’s + https://www.onlinegamers.fayesdonline.com i think this one is better and i have original content plus a few you tube clips.

    P.S. nice site, did change things through html and did you find it easy?
    i am teaching myself with the aid of basic lessons on html



    Modifying your theme can be easy or hard, depending on what you try to do… If you want, for example, to hard-code a Copyright notice into your footer, you open the appropraite theme file (likely “footer.php”) and add in the HTML. However, WordPress uses php code to essentially render CSS-styped HTML.

    In other words, the software itself *generates* code.

    Start with HTML, but you’ll need to understand CSS and PHP as well.

    And be sure you backup everything!

    397 visits in 2 weeks sounds pretty decent to me – I think I’m going to add some social network bookmarks to my site next; I think link backs from there may help.




    Sammied, your website is lovely. I wish I was able to make something as proffesionallooking.

    As for improvements, how about a background-pattern? Right now it′s just a light brown color but I think that could be easily fixed. Try using a gif-image, I think those consume very little memory.



    The site seems to be taking a long time to load from Chrome and Firefox. Should probably take a look at that.

    Thread Starter sammied79


    i have also just started using pingers lol (not the drug) i put the website in their directory and they ping it for you, gets ratings up so google looks at the page more.

    some ping sites


    this one has 100 ping sites i haven’t used them yet i have used pingomatic and a couple of others my sister put me on, i also found an auto ping plugin in the wordpress plugins directory called ping.fm

    Thanks for the advice LOKE, i will look into that.

    @ NERX i don’t know what is happening i have it load within 3-4 seconds on firefox, how do i make it faster?



    I would be carefull using free ping and link sites. Google knows about these places and you will actually get penalized for using them…no such thing as a free lunch.


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