• This is my first attempt at writing a plugin for WordPress so I’m soliciting feedback on the concept before releasing it. The concept somewhat follows the Get Recent Comments plugin with the difference being that the comments dispalyed in the sidebar are actually references to other sites in which you have commented. For example, if you run bobsblog and post a comment on stevesblog, a reference to the post on stevesblog would show up on bobsblog.

    To work, post a comment on someone else’s blog and tack on a variable to your site address, ie. https://dailydoseofdave.net/?t=dpb.

    The plugin then detects that variable, checks the value against a list of authorized users and captures the title/URL of the referring page. It only does this once per URL/user.

    Each entry is then held for Moderation where it can be Approved, Edited, or Deleted.

    There is a working version on my site, Daily Dose of Dave

    I appreciate the comments and suggestions from everyone. Feel free to be as harsh or supportive as you feel necessary.

    Thanks, dpb

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  • Sounds like a great idea. Why don’t you post an alpha copy so people can try it out?

    By the way, on your blog you mention searching plugins at the Wiki. The Wiki has been “deprecated.” Some better places to post your plugin are the Codex, wp-plugins.org, and wp-plugins.net.

    That is such a cool idea! I would love to help test it.

    Thread Starter dpbrown


    Thanks for the feedback. I would love to post an alpha copy for people to test right now but it’s still very rough. I need to clean up the code and create the install scripts. I intend on having all of that done by the end of the week so keep your eye out for it.

    Thanks again!

    Yeah Dave!

    Thread Starter dpbrown


    An alpha version of this is now available on my site. I appreciate everyone’s feedback regardless of how harsh…


    I’ve got plenty of work ahead of me to make this a quality plugin but I think I’ve gotten it to a point where most can use it with relatively no problems. Thanks in advance for your support!

    Thread Starter dpbrown


    I’ve got a new page for downloading the plugin. It’s been updated once already and I’m working on the next version as we speak. So far, I know of a few sites running it w/o any problems. Always looking for more feedback however. Check it out here, https://dailydoseofdave.net/x-comments

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