• Hello, my website i https://www.mammarisparmio.it I am Italian so I try to explain in English but consider that I am not mothertounge. By the way….as you can see, my home is a mess. All the articles are mixed in the home: reciepes, my life, reviews…..
    I would like to organize them in big boxes in the home: one which deals with one topic (inside of those you can see small summing up of the related posts)…another big box which deals with another topic (with 4-5 small pics and the titles of the articles). Is it possible to do that? If yes…how?

    If it is not possibile I would like to work out another problem: now I can see just ten abstracts in my home…and the same, inside each category. At the same time the tag cloud doesn’t show all the tags I have written till now, but just few of them……as a result many articles do not appear anywhere, as they would have never written. How can I manage it? How can I say to Graphene: please show more summeries on my front page?I can’t find the place where I can give this input. thank youuuuu!

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