• I am still having problems with my website. My homepage won’t update to show my latest post.

    This is happening even though I have changed my theme. Whenever I go to my website at: https://www.4wheeledlefty.com, my homepage is totally scrambled. Not only does it not show my latest post, but it has become nearly unreadable.

    It shows my latest post as being September 5, although I have posted quite a few times since then. I changed my theme, thinking that this would clear up the problem but it hasn’t worked.

    Now, what I go to my website dashboard, it shows the following message:

    Strict Standards: Declaration of SAR_Settings::validate() should be compatible with scbAdminPage::validate($new_data, $old_data) in /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smart-archives-reloaded/admin/admin.php on line 113

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smart-archives-reloaded/admin/admin.php:113) in /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wptouch/admin/customizer/wptouch-customizer.php on line 53

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smart-archives-reloaded/admin/admin.php:113) in /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1228

    I have absolutely no idea what this means, or how to fix it. I’m hoping someone on this forum can help me fix this mess.

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  • This plugin, Smart Archives Reloaded, seems to be the culprit. It was last updated 3 years ago, therefore definitely not compatible with WordPress 4.4.1. Deactivate and delete this plugin.

    Thread Starter wheeler59



    Thank you very much for your attempt to help me. Unfortunately, your solution did not work. It took away the message that I copied them my original post,, but whenever I go to my homepage at: https://www.4wheeledlefty.com , everything still reverts back to my old theme, and is very scrambled. It is hardly readable.

    However, when I put up a new post, the only way I can access the new post is to click on the hyperlink for that particular post. Then my new theme shows up and everything seems to be okay from that end. When I click on the title of my blog, it takes me back to a scrambled page that seems to be my old theme. It also shows my latest post as September 5, even though I posted a couple of days ago..

    Lete’s start from basics…
    Are you running WordPress 4.4.1?

    If so…
    Deactivate all your plugins.
    Switch your theme to the default theme (twenty-sixteen or twenty-fifteen) – if you do not have the default theme, you can install it by going to Appearance > Themes and click the “Add New” button at the top of the screen. Type in the search box: “Twenty Sixteen”.

    Check your site when you are done.

    Thread Starter wheeler59


    Yes, I am writing WordPress 4.4.1.

    I did everything you said to do, but my homepage at: https://www.4wheeledlefty.com. It is still the same problem as before.

    Have you clicked the link I gave for my website? If so, what do you see?

    I deactivated all the plug-ins, installed the theme twenty sixteen, as you suggested, but the same thing happens. My homepage still shows my rate is post as being September 5 when I just posted my latest post on January 9.

    Is this how your site is supposed to look: https://www.4wheeledlefty.com/wp-content/themes/asteroid/

    In with your WordPress installation, is there an “index.html” file?
    And is there an “index.php” file?

    I am getting two different looking versions of your site on different pages. I think you need to reinstall WordPress.

    Thread Starter wheeler59


    I clicked the link in the first message, and it looked different than what it was, since I changed my theme to Twenty Sixteen, as you suggested. Here is the link to my latest post, https://www.4wheeledlefty.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=2&action=edit

    I don’t know what all of the other stuff in the URL means.The way I have it set up is supposed to show the date of the post first, the name of the blog second, and the title of this story last. The URL you sent me doesn’t look anything like its supposed to. It looks different than when I had my previous theme, CleanWP installed.

    As for the other stuff you mentioned, “index.html” and index.php, even is or where to find it. How do I tell whether or not I have them?I’m really stumped here.

    All your posts and the archives of your posts are using the Twenty-Sixteen theme now:

    your most recent post : https://www.4wheeledlefty.com/2016/01/09/the-rash-of-gun-violence-in-the-united-states/
    your politics category : https://www.4wheeledlefty.com/category/politics/
    and your own ‘about’ page : https://www.4wheeledlefty.com/blane-beckwith/

    Only your home page is not. So, there is something interfereing with your home page (index.php)

    In your Dashboard, go to Settings > Reading.
    Beside “Front page displays”, which of these two options is selected:
    – Your latest posts
    – A static page (select below)

    In scanning your source file, I find this error:
    You put your Google Analytics code between the </head> and the <body> tags – like so…

    <script type="text/javascript">
    <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Amiri' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    <body class="home blog custom-background">

    This is wrong. The Google Analytics code should go between these to tags:
    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    and above…

    This could be part of the problem with your home page.
    And please keep all your plugins deactivated until this is solved.

    Thread Starter wheeler59



    I tried to edit my code as you told me to, but I could not find how to do this. I clicked the “editor” function, but I cannot find the section you told me to. I guess I really don’t understand how to edit my HTML.

    BTW, I really appreciate your help. Where do I go from here? I am not ready to give up. This problem has been plaguing me for months, but I don’t how to fix it.

    Go to Appearances > Editor > Theme Header (header.php) – it should be at the bottom of the code between the </head> and <body class="home blog custom-background">.


    <script type="text/javascript">

    …goes between <?php wp_head(); ?> and </head>

    <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Amiri' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    …goes above <?php wp_head(); ?>

    Thread Starter wheeler59


    I edited the call, just like said. However, my problem still exists. Whenever I click on the title of my blog, “Crippled Politics”, but it still takes me to a scrambled blue page.

    Could this whole problem be related to my plug-ins? If so, how do I fix it? Do I get rid of some of them? I have an idea that I probably have too many plug-ins that are creating some type of conflict. But I don’t know that.

    What do you suggest that I do next?

    Could this whole problem be related to my plug-ins?

    We already did this above…

    I deactivated all the plug-ins, installed the theme twenty sixteen, as you suggested, but the same thing happens. My homepage still shows my rate is post as being September 5 when I just posted my latest post on January 9.

    But in looking at the source code for your home page and any other page, they are different.
    The home page is still loading the Asteroid theme and every other page is loading the 2016 theme.
    Download the Asteroid theme to your computer so you don’t lose it, then delete this theme completely.

    Also… In your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings > Reading and under the heading “Front page displays” is “Your latest posts” selected or “A static page (select below)” selected?
    It should be “Your latest posts” for right now, because that is default.

    Not to pile more on you, but take all this out of your Theme Header (header.php) completely, for right now, and paste in a text editor like Notepad (Windows) or Text Wrangler (Apple). It will go back in after.

    And deactivate all your plugins.

    <style type="text/css">.recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;}</style>
    		<script type="text/javascript">

    I’m trying to eliminate any extras.

    Thread Starter wheeler59


    I already deleted “Asteroids” a couple of days ago after I thought it may be the source of my problem.

    Also, I my “readings” setting, it is set to “latest posts”.

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