• I am still having problems with my website. My homepage won’t update to show my latest post.

    This is happening even though I have changed my theme. Whenever I go to my website at: https://www.4wheeledlefty.com, my homepage is totally scrambled. Not only does it not show my latest post, but it has become nearly unreadable.

    It shows my latest post as being September 5, although I have posted quite a few times since then. I changed my theme, thinking that this would clear up the problem but it hasn’t worked.

    Now, what I go to my website dashboard, it shows the following message:

    Strict Standards: Declaration of SAR_Settings::validate() should be compatible with scbAdminPage::validate($new_data, $old_data) in /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smart-archives-reloaded/admin/admin.php on line 113

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smart-archives-reloaded/admin/admin.php:113) in /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wptouch/admin/customizer/wptouch-customizer.php on line 53

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smart-archives-reloaded/admin/admin.php:113) in /home3/fouwhee2/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1228

    I have absolutely no idea what this means, or how to fix it. I’m hoping someone on this forum can help me fix this mess.

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  • Thread Starter wheeler59


    There is no file named index.html outside of the folders. All I see is my tree, and it only has folders. No stray files are outside of the tree. However, I did find more than one index.php into of the folders,wp-admin and wp-content. I found no index.php in the WP-includes.

    As far as you finding WordPress 4.3 in my homepage source code, I have absolutely no idea how that might have happened. I update WordPress every time there is an update.

    Is there a way to fix this?

    Is there a WordPress install in the root (public_html or www) and another in a folder named “home”? …in other words “public_html > home”
    Follow this link: https://www.4wheeledlefty.com/home/
    Is there an “index.php” in the root (public_html or www) and an “index.php” in the folder named “home”?

    Is the path to get to your theme folder: public_html > home > wp-content > themes?

    Wait a minute… I think I figured it out…
    You created a Static Home Page – yes?
    Did you create a Blog Page also?
    Did you put any content in this Static Home Page?
    Did you put any content in this Blog Page?

    Did you, in Settings > Reading choose a page for the Static page AND a page for the Blog page as per this image – https://codex.www.ads-software.com/File:options-reading.png

    Thread Starter wheeler59


    No, I did not create a static homepage. I did not create a blog page either.

    Hmmm… without knowing where all the files are load on your host, I cannot figure out why your site loads here: https://www.4wheeledlefty.com/home/ and yet, not here: https://www.4wheeledlefty.com/ – except unless all the WordPress installation is inside a directory (folder) named “home” except for the index.php file which, with the .htaccess, is in the root.

    Thread Starter wheeler59


    Even though my site seems to open at the URL,http:www.4wheeledlefty.com, it still doesn’t my latest post. It just shows a page that says “home”

    Thread Starter wheeler59


    I finally fixed the problem at my website to the point where I now have a common section. However, whenever I click my homepage, it still takes me to a blue screen with a little bit of writing on the far left-hand side of the screen. If you check out my site at https://www.4wheeledlefty.com you will see what I mean.

    I change my theme to something completely different from what I had, and my new theme is the one that shows up when I make a new post. However, every post written after September 5 seems to have disappeared.

    I suspect the problem may be located in the file tree at my Web server, although the technical support there hasn’t been very helpful in finding a problem. If I was to upload a screenshot of my file tree, would it be helpful for someone to help me out?

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