my hosting provider ask me to switch off Ithems sec :(
Hi to all,
i was enthusiastic user of this plugin, and I wish to continue to use to be…
I start using wp-sec after a bad malware infection on my site, and untill now seems that this plugin keep me a lot of problem far from me.
in the last times something start to works badly, lot of 404, 500 and poor performance for my site! lots of out of memory, blank pages, i/o ops that cause server lock.
I start search for solutions analyzing chaching plugin Vs Ithems but nothing solved…
some post here:
ps the problem isn solved!then i phoned to my host provider that said that my poor performance experince is due the Ithem security plugin that gives “some problem”, they didnt support me in guessing how and why…
wha I can do to do not have poor performances and still using Ithems?turning it off give me a speed up in terms of accessibility so i guess that something true there is…
thanks for any suggestion
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