• TodaysTopTrend.com

    Love it – but want it to be better!

    1. Less (no) scrolling. White space is nice, but slows things down.
    2. Gallery: Once gallery is published, be able to add a picture to an existing gallery.
    3. View more Media Library Pages. I do posts with multiple media and a couple posts take up a library page. (2000 media in two months)
    4. Too many drafts are saved. Once published, I want draft to go away.
    5. More room for category choices, again, no scrolling.
    6. Less hinkieness with Safari. Flash uploader sometimes doesn’t work, or post gallery doesn’t appear. So I leave FF and Safari both open and post from both to get a single post to appear. I don’t want plug-in to defeat flash uploader.
    7. Media Library – give me a choice of media less than a full month. ie: This Week, Last Week, then this month, and prior.
    8. If I hit the bottom of the scroll bar using flash uploader, the page in background scrolls. I know, if I slow down, it wouldn’t be a problem, but I don’t want to slow down, I need speed.
    9. Custom fields need to be larger so code doesn’t break over so many lines – hard to proofread.
    10. I want to be able to schedule hour, minute, second, so I can control order in which posts are scheduled.
    11. I want to be able to put text with gallery, not just captions.

    1. I want the exact time a post is scheduled. Not “two hours”

    Now I will poke around and hopefully find answers to all my issues, and feel like a maroon.

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  • Thread Starter mvanpatten


    I want to be able to save two custom fields at the same time. Currently have to add a custom filed, save, then add another.

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