• Hello, after WordPress 6.0 update my site became distorted with the new fonts and not working plugins. I use Twenty Eleven Child. I tried to work with my style.css in the child-directory, and yesterday it looked OK. But today I simply opened the site and saw that my Main Menu (which was horizontal) lost its hierarchy (you can see). I don’t know what to do. Even return to twenty eleven doesn’t work. Could you please advice. How to return to some working state? Fonts, paddings, margins and so on I will change later in the child directory. Do I need ask for some simple working functions.php (in the main and child directories)? Some simple style.css (I didn’t touch it in the main directory). But I want my main menu back. I cannot rewrite hundreds links again. How should look my_included_file.php? I did everything years ago and forgot many things. Please advice. Yours, Igor

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by harryts.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi there,

    Do you have any backups of your website you could load to before this started occurring?

    Failing this I would also suggest you try and disable plugins one by one to see if any of those are causing this issue.

    I would recommend before you do any amendments that you take a separate backup just in case.


    Thread Starter harryts


    Thank you. Yes, it’s an option, of course. But I did some work later, and I still hope to understand why this crash happened. I mean the Primary Menu case and a strange stretched view of the Main Sidebar. I guess, I need to perform a very small change to fix it, but I cannot figure out which.

    Let’s continue with one small questions. In which files (php, css) of twenty eleven the Main Menu is described? Do I have to change some files in my child-directory (functions.php, style.css)? May I have some working example? And more: if I disable child directory now, Main Menu still looks that strange way. I don’t remember changing something in twenty eleven directory. Could that be due to come V-checks I might performed on my site in panic? ??

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by harryts.
    Thread Starter harryts


    I fixed the issue! Highly recommend! I downloaded plugin
    “Child Theme Configurator” version 2.5.9 (after installation you will see it in the Tools menu) and it did the job of creating a child-theme again. And all returned at their proper places

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