• Plugin Author Chouby


    Frequently, this is due to a bug in the theme (generally themes which have only one menu location). Make this test: deactivate Polylang and create two menus in your theme. Assign the second menu which you have created and check your frontend. If your theme doesn’t display the right menu, please contact the theme support and refer this post explaining the reasons and how to solve the bug.

    Another frequent issue is a menu which is correct when directly accessing the page but doesn’t switch when clicking on the language switcher. More and more themes are loading the content in Ajax and thus don’t reload the menu and content common to every pages (ex footer, widgets). This Ajax feature is obviously not compatible with multilingual websites. Try disabling the Ajax feature in your theme options or contact the theme support if you don’t find such option.

    Please don’t use this topic to ask your support question.


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  • Chouby,

    Please help me with the same issue.
    I have two main menu and assigned them two languages, one is Chinese and another one is English. I used Customizr Pro theme and Polylang plugs. I tried the test: Deactivate Polylang and create two menus in your theme. Assign the second menu which you have created and check your frontend. It works.

    I also contacted with Customizr theme, they told me, there is not option for Ajax disable.So I really feel frustrated.

    my website is: https://www.pagetrans.com

    Best Regards,


    Hi Chouby,

    I am a wordpress newbie, but I have a similar problem where I am using polylang for a multilanguage site.

    Menu is only showing the english menu, not the 2nd menu I created.

    This is what I see in the header.php.

                <nav class = "primary-navigation cf">
                        <?php wp_nav_menu(array(
                            'theme-location'    => 'primary-navigation',
                            'container'         => '',
                            'container_class'   => '',
                            'menu_id'           => '',
                            'menu_class'        => 'primary-navigation',
                            'items_wrap'        => '<ul class = "%2$s">%3$s</ul>',

    thanks in advance.

    Hello I added new language in my website https://www.fundacioillesbalears.org with polylang plugin. I have a fail when I push the flag in catalan, it goes to https://fundacioillesbalears.org/ca/ but I need that link be https://fundacioillesbalears.org/home-cat do you know how can I change that?

    Hello, the plugin was alright when I first installed it last week. But after I update the plugin today, it doesn’t work anymore.

    When I click the language switcher menu it does not bring me to the translated page.
    The link should bring me to my chinese page https://iglobaltrust.com/zh/about-us/, but it keeps bringing me back to the default english page https://iglobaltrust.com/about-us/.

    Please advice on this.
    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Chouby



    Please don’t use this topic to ask your support question.

    This is not a support topic and now there are 4 questions in it ??
    It’s aboslutely impossible to support several questions in one unique topic. Please all open a new topic, not forgetting to read this before.

    Hi! thanks for the wonderful plugin
    I have the same problem. The menu wouldn’t change with the language. It stays the default one. Post and everything else translate correctly but the menu stays the same.
    In the header the menu is set like this:

    <nav id="mobile-navigation" class="top-navigation" role="navigation">
    	<?php $anyMenu = get_terms( 'nav_menu' ) ? true : false;
        	  $menuSelect = get_theme_mod('tesseract_tho_header_menu_select');
    		if ( $anyMenu && ( ( $menuSelect ) && ( $menuSelect !== 'none' ) ) ) :
    			wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu' => $menuSelect, 'container_class' => 'header-menu' ) );
    		elseif ( $anyMenu && ( !$menuSelect || ( $menuSelect == 'none' ) ) ) :
    			$menu = get_terms( 'nav_menu' );
    			$menu_id = $menu[0]->term_id;
    			wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu_id' => $menu_id ) );
    		elseif ( !$anyMenu ) :
    			wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'menu_class' => 'nav-menu' ) );
    		endif; ?>
    </nav><!-- #site-navigation -->

    I’m not an PHP expert and i read some thread concerning this issue but i cannot sort things out. Hope in someone’s help.

    My Settings:
    – Home static Page
    – Language is set from content
    – Remove language in pretty permalink
    – When the front page is visited set the language according to the browser preference
    – Activate languages and translations for media
    – Permalink set by “Post Name”
    – Menus are set correctly (one menu per language)

    my website’s https://www.gbwebtech.com/ (work in progress…)

    Thank you

    Hi I resolve my problem, making the home page for the new language, making a copy directly from the another language. I go to the page of the ej(spanish) and then to the right make click on the + in the other language ej(english), then make the home page in english. And in this way goes well for me.

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve got some troubles with my top menu. It stays in french even if I change the language for English.

    There are 2 menus: french/english and only 2 pages: one in french/one in english (and for these page, The switch of language is OK)

    I assigned each menu to its language

    I updated this in header.php:
    <?wp_nav_menu( array( ‘container_class’ => ‘menu-header’, ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’ ) ); ?>

    But it still doesn’t work. Polylang seems to be really cool but I don’t undertsand … I saw a multilingual forestly-theme website using Polylang, so I guess it could work.

    I use Striker free Theme, but the problem appears with forestly theme or 2015 theme.

    Thank you in advance for your help.
    DrEVil, Fr

    Plugin Author Chouby



    Please open a new topic.

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