Hi, same here:
We have 3 languages configured: CA, ES and EN. Both EN and ES have one single item but CA has a full menu. This is a new site, never tried Polylang before. The same happens with ePix theme and native WP theme.
WooCommerce plugin is ativated. I can not deactivate this plugin as the products are used to fill the homepage.
Language es_ES is first in PLL settings and is also the only menu available to the user. I have tried changing the order so that CA is first, to no avail.
When I activate Product traduction from PLL settings (“Tipos de entrada personalizados: Products”), the homepage empties for all languages. Logically, I should still be able to see products on the ES homepage (same language as the menu) or the CA homepage (since the products are filled in CA).
On a side note, shouldn’t locale code for Catalan be “ca_ES” instead of just “ca”? When I change to “ca”, the flag doesn’t appear.
[Edit] We have latest versions for WP, PLL, WooCommerce, ePix theme etc.
[Edit 2] If I activate “Products translation” from PLL settings and translate a product to ES, then go to the homepage, only this product is available in all languages. When I deactivate Product translation again, then the CA homepage comes back for everyone.