My new website, any surgestions
Hi been working on my site for a week or two now, please take alook and let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions.
Also I want to put a forium on there where user can sign up upload photos etc. Looking at buddypress. Should I wait untill I have quite abit of traffic before installing this or get it up as soon as possible.
Just do it now, don’t need to wait anymore, there is no enough for traffic. I’m also working on my word press, I think I can make it more and more traffic from now on ??
no point doing everything at a time, just relax and start making more posts. Unique content is what brings traffic, so you need to regularly update your blog with fresh and unique content.also, don’t let your frontpage stagnate, make sure to update your frontpage with your new posts. i think you have opted for a static frontpage, perhaps you should consider to make your new posts appear on the frontpage of your blog.
Thanks for all your comments, not sure what to do about the front page yet.
What im trying to create is a site with a large database of plants, trees shrubs which offer advice on planting, diseases etc. Also wanted to review garden products and have a section on how to etc and then hopefully if can get enough traffic and visitors have a forium where people can talk about gardening and offer tips and advice to each other etc.
What you think is wordpress the right thing for this. My main thing is adding more post and plants etc and getting alot of traffic.
@johnmoore84, if your goal is to add more and more posts and information, than there could be nothing better than the wordpress as your cms. Just keep it updated, keep it posted.
Don’t think of a forum as of now, it is hard to get a forum established, if you have the knowledge of writing unique and fresh content, then i would just say to keep posting as much as you can.
Well thats the plan, I actualy have a garden nursery retail website which we get alot of traffic from visitors looking for information rather than looking to buy which is what has prompted me to build this new site.
Quick question if someone can help. On Google webmaster tools it says 39 submitted urls but 0 index url.
How ever when you search site: in google its brings up some pages from my website. Only problem is its indexing tag words and not the full post page and in te meta discription on google it says
Black |
29 Sep 2010 … All Rights Reserved. Powered by WordPress | This site is run by post is actualy called “Buddleia ‘Black Knight’
Any ideas what going on.
don’t worry about it now, it is a new blog that is why it might be. once the Google bot does a few crawls, your pages/posts/tags will all be indexed properly.
though, your blog lacks a bit of seo. so here are a few things you can work on.
your read more tags are – /#more-183 you can use a better read more plugin to make those read more links seo friendly.
next, i see that you are using – ‘ in your titles. don’t do that, just keep simple text on the titles.
i don’t really like tags, but you can still keep the tags on the sidebar if you want them properly indexed.
also, you should us a “all in one seo plugin” and make sure to keep only the post/page/category/tags titles in the title. Currenly your titles are like Black |, remove the url from the title.
don’t worry too much, when you keep adding fresh content regularly and Google gives it a regular crawl, those meta descriptions start to appear properly.
It’s really a pretty blog,I like the style,I will visit there when I free.
Hello John, it is a very simple and very valuable site. I really like it!
I will agree with healthvotes for the /#more-183 tag on the Read the rest of this entry ? link. You need to change that to a more friendly link. Since I had the same problem with my blog I found a plugin that can fix this, its called Custom-More-Link-Complete, you can modify it and change that unfriendly link.
I hope it helps!
Thanks for the advice, iv installed More-Link-Complete plugin so seems to be working fine, thanks for that andybadidis
Will start to remove the ‘ from my post, the ‘ is used to make the variety of the plant seperate from the rest of the plant name but surpose I can do without in the titles.
As for title tags, I though the idea of these was to add words to make a post come up when someone searched the tag you enter in your blog search.
for example i write a blog on red tulips bulbs and have red as a tag word, so when some searches say red flowers red tuplis will some up. I didnt realise they were indexed by search engine. Idealy I would not use tags but does this make a difference.
“also, you should us a “all in one seo plugin” and make sure to keep only the post/page/category/tags titles in the title. Currenly your titles are like Black |, remove the url from the title.”
I use the “all in one seo” plugin allready and add the metat title, discriptions and keywords manualy on all post so not sure why the title is like Black | Any ideas
about the seo plugin, in the options you will find:
%post_title% | %blog_title%
%page_title% | %blog_title%there, you will have to remove the second part and keep only the post/page/tag/category titles – %page_title%
that way you will only find the posts title on the single post article pages.
cheers,Thanks for your help, do you mean change the:
post title format: %post_title% | %blog_title%
page title format: %page_title% | %blog_title%to
post title format: %post_title%
page title format: %page_title%thanks
I love wordpress blog. It is so easy to setup & controle. My new website Do you have any suggestions?
Hi I really like the first website is great!
and I really like the way you have used different colours. I am having a problem with my site with the colours I can;t work it out how to change them the moderator says use the forum for paid for templates which I can;t find. I know I have to change it under the css but I really don;t know how. any suggestions – under furniture there are posts you can;t see any of them!! good luck with both you sites they look good.
I think with Anything Garden that the design is too dominant. Not enough room for content on the page
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