• https://consumerhelp.co.nz
    The main part of this site is built with WordPress. I use SMF for the forums though.

    Description: A place for consumers to share their opinions on New Zealand businesses, as well as seek help for their customer service problems and report unethical business practices.

    The site is aimed at anyone in New Zealand.
    I’ve used some extensions and a few modifications to get it to what I want.

    I am trying to get people to the site, so far not much but I hope my new “Public comments” feature helps. My forum desperately needs members.

    Any suggestions for more tweaks or useful features?
    Any comments? What do you think of my choice of theme and layout?

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  • Site looks ok but you need more content. Not much there to make someone stay IMO. How are you advertising the site?

    Thread Starter mattinnz


    I know I need more content. Trying to work on it. It’s difficult, NZ is a small country and it’s hard to find relevant news.

    As for advertising, I’ve added it to NZ website directories, they seem to be getting me some traffic. Not doing any paid advertising yet, might give Facebook and Google Adwords a try after a while.
    Also been trying to tell as many people as possible, but I know this doesn’t achieve much.

    Thread Starter mattinnz


    Sorry to say but the site no longer uses WordPress. Has been re-designed and now uses Joomla.
    I would edit my first post but it looks like this forum isn’t allowing that. It obviously has a time limit after which the post can’t be edited.

    I guess a moderator will want to lock this topic.

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  • The topic ‘My NZ Consumer site’ is closed to new replies.