kameyers – I’m sure the search bar issue has to do with the padding and margins attributes. Same as the images and other IE problems mentioned by zakman. For example, the search submit button is underneath because there isn’t enough room for it in the way IE interpets the CSS.
Basically, IE and Mozilla based browser treat what is called the “box model” differently.
A quick explanation [maybe] : the box is created by css attributes:
- width{}
- padding{}
- margins{} and,
- borders{}
Mozilla (FF) interpets the css1 specifications to produce a semantically correct box. IE interpets it differently. IE takes the box and says any padding and borders in the <div></div>
will not be part of the total width.
So a 760px wide box in Mozilla might be 740px in IE.
CSS1 specs state that anything within the div will be part of the box, including padding. Here’s a site to reference the box model. Be Careful using the information at that site – – CSS HACKS ARE [becoming] OLD SCHOOL.
No offense meant to anyone’s efforts. But a hack can break a site’s structure as newer browsers develop and the old ones (IE) begin interpreting the standards correctly. Or, if the standards change…
IE 7’s betas are reported to having the possiblity of breaking a lot of sites relying on CSS Hacks b/c IE7 will recognize more of w3c standards.
The best method is to use an IE conditional statement that points to a style sheet with any IE needed changes.
Usually the likely box model fix is replacing padding attributes with margin attributes in the IE written css, or creating classes/ids unique to your ie css that have the corrections needed. Of course it may take a bit of trial and error to get it pixel perfect.