• Resolved robinpix


    Greetings Ben,

    Great theme! I’m looking forward to using it once I get things set up.
    I’ve got the Child Theme loaded. I’ve also added some customization from responses you’ve provided to others with questions similar to my own.

    What I didn’t find in the recent forum posts that have been resolved is why the posts (images and text) on the home page are smaller in width than what is on your demo. I’d prefer the width that is shown on the demo. My site is: thecameradiaries.com

    Thank you for your assistance.


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  • The tagline issue is fixed. thank you so much.
    however the after post area is still there. https://imgur.com/OlsNfzt

    i believe the issue isnt the plugin, its that area being in there in the first place. my site launches tomorrow. it not a big problem but its clear its a glitch. i feel it will be noticable.

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    When I last visited your site, I saw you had a Tracks Child theme currently running. Are you still using that child theme? If so, please try switching to Tracks via the Appearance menu. I think this may be related to the layout issue.

    If that isn’t the case, can you verify that you are using the latest version of Tracks? It should be v1.37.1.

    Yeah I was using tracks first, then I switched to the child theme it see if the issue would persist and it did so now I’m back on Tracks, still the same things. There’s actually quite a few layout issues that I’ve worked around but this one just won’t leave.

    plus the version it says is v1.38

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    Okay I’m pretty sure this file is the source of the layout issues: https://retroliaison.com/?sccss=1&ver=4.2.2.

    Are you using, or have you ever used the Simple Custom CSS plugin on your site?

    Yes i have it installed right now.

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    Deactivate that plugin, and if you have any caching plugins, empty your sites cache. Then check if the layout corrects itself.

    That plugin is currently loading the stylesheet a second time which I believe is messing up the layout.

    Hey. I did as you said, it didn’t fix it. My site’s been up for a couple of weeks now, i’ve just kind of ignored the glitch but i’d still really like to fix it. Any other suggestions?

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    Can you try removing the code for the social icons that is inserted at the bottom of the post (these icons here)?

    even if i remove that, if i try to add tags and categories after my posts, theyre going to duplicate the exact same way.

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    The icons should be added via the plugin automatically or with the After Post Content widget area. It looks like the way they are added now in the post content is breaking the layout and causing the gap before the comment section.

    Yeah the duplication is fixed thank you. the comment area is still detached but thats fine, it doesnt look bad. Thank you for your help ??

    i’d like to move the “previous” and “next” post links a little further away from the borders, how do i do that?

    View post on imgur.com

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    Okay the remaining issues are all a result of one error with the page. In the HTML, there is an extra “</div>” tag which is breaking the layout. This is causing the next/previous links to be outside the width of the container the rest of the post is in, as well as causing the gap before the comments.

    Visit the editor for that page, and switch it over to the “Text” view like this: https://pics.competethemes.com/image/3F0h2n3I0v2y

    Then scroll to the bottom of the content and check if there is a “</div>” element at the bottom. If there is, delete it.

    If you don’t see it, then I believe it is coming from the social sharing buttons. That plugin can be deactivated temporarily to check this.

    I just tried that, its not there with or without the plugin deactivated. Do you think it might be something wrong with the stylesheet?

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