• My photo uploaded to my home page only but it does not show up in all the other locations where there in a generic avatar. How do I get it there?

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  • Hey Maria,

    You would want to upload the Gravatar to you WordPress page there are a few plugins that do this and here is the article that will help as well



    Follow these steps then your photo should appear.
    1. Go to Gravatar.com

    2. Signup using the Email, that you’ve used to create your WP user account. You can see what Email you’ve used by going to Edit User Profile on top right corner.

    3. Now after signing up with Gravatar.com add your preferred photo there.

    4. Then save that photo for Primary Email.

    Hope this helps you to get your avatar anywhere you go with that Email.

    Thank You!
    Shyam Chathuranga

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