My site completely dead after installing it
my website which is using newspaper theme v4.6.3 by tagdiv from themeforest is unable to open after installing this plugin and it has visual composer plugin enabled
We don’t guarantee that WPtouch will work with all themes and setups— I don’t think it’s fair to give us 1-star because it didn’t work for your particular setup. WPtouch is a complex mobile solution that can’t always handle the tens of thousands of themes and plugins out there.
I can understand ur pain for 1 star, but see my site completely dead my hardwork gone :(. If it won’t handle every theme, what is the use of telling to try.
my new theme is newspaper v6.1 make it compatible with it for future versions
and it has visual composer plugin enabledWPtouch didn’t ruin your website! I guess we don’t understand how you can give the product a 1-star review because it didn’t work for your theme the way you wanted it to.
Come on dude..
After installing this plugin and activated immediately my site was not opened..
Peace ??After reading BraveNewCode Inc.’s response I don’t want to even try it. All you seem to care about is how many stars you get not is someone is happy or not. I don’t know this person but your comment “”I guess we don’t understand how you can give the product a 1-star review because it didn’t work for your theme the way you wanted it to.”” hello, that’s WHY they gave a 1 star, BECAUSE it didn’t work the way they wanted it to.
@blog2k15: What we’re trying to say is that you’re asking a lot of a plugin like our that has to deal with literally millions of WordPress configurations, and try to mobilize them.
In some cases, we can’t make things work. We just think it’s harsh to give us a 1-star review because you’re using a non-standard way to publish content on your WordPress website (visual composer).
@debejorgensen: We absolutely care about customer happiness. And if we didn’t do a good job of making people happy, we wouldn’t still in in business 8 years later after releasing WPtouch into the free repository.
It was a free plugin long before we had a paid version.
Frankly, the attitude and entitlement in the WordPress community regarding FREE products that took us hundreds and hundreds of hours to make is getting out of hand.
I can’t tell you the countless nights we’ve spent working on WPtouch to try and make it better for users. It’s just pretty defeating to receive poor reviews when someone won’t even take the time to explain the nature of their issues, and work with us to try and resolve them. What are we supposed to do? We WANT to help, but instead of receiving help, people come here, slap us with a bad review, and walk away.
Free plugin not working exactly the way you want it too? SLAM IT with a 1 star review! That’ll teach those goddamn developers to smarten up! It’s just tiring after almost a decade of providing a 60-thousand line of code product for absolutely free, and hearing people complain about it.
@bravenewcode Inc: I completely understand “what” you are trying to say now. I get it.
Your frustration with the situation is understandable and most likely warranted. However, the saying “you catch more fly’s with honey that you do with vinegar” comes to mind. Your attitude is your problem.You have/had a good reason to not have a solution, had you just stated your position and not added the cometary I would have tried your product, maybe even looked into other products resulting in income for you. A good response would have been “We don’t guarantee that WPtouch will work with all themes and setupsI WPtouch is a complex mobile solution that can’t always handle the tens of thousands of themes and plugins out there. I can’t tell you the countless nights we’ve spent working on WPtouch to try and make it better for all users. We WANT to help. We want to offer the best product possible. (and then ask for specific’s so you can help them fix it or just leave it at sorry in this case it didn’t work)”
I can see how this was frustrating for you, get how frustrating only 1 star is. I have to deal with such things at my job, I don’t EVER slam people for their opinion in a public forum, it just isn’t ok. I personally look at only bad reviews and if I can deal with the negative results others have I feel good about going ahead with what ever it is. It was your attitude that stopped me from trying your product not the problem the other person was having. I appreciate all the work that is put into making free products and keeping them free. I hear what you are saying. Have a nice day.
Thanks— we’re letting off some steam! ??
Plug-ins and desktop themes that are doing things in non-standard WordPress ways have made our work with WPtouch challenging. We think the level of compatibility that we have in the product is impressive considering the environment we have to typically work in.
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