Hi, please help!
I created a wordpress site about 3 years ago.
It was simply names autos.
I then created a blog called How to Sell A Car Online.
Global Online Car Classifieds Site, Canada’s best online classifieds site. This site has been stolen I believe. I found the the page about 2 months ago and now I cannot find it anywhere!
I remember I signed in with admin, but have no clue as to what the password is now. If the site was named Autos I would imagine that this would be easy for you to find??? The blog “how to sell a car online”
I somehow also have all of my emails pre-2009 deleted!! Possible to help me find my site.
I found the site 2 months ago by typing best word press plug in for a car website. My site was showed by someone as a top ten plug-in.
I am now finding a lot of my SEO (word for word) on some sites. I believe someone is using my text writing for major car websites. I added a bunch of feeds to this wordpress site and would hate to lose it or better yet, have someone else making money off my work.
Emails I may have used:
[email addresses removed]
Please help, very aggravating!
Allan Nott