• Hello here,

    My site (www.punekarnews.in) hacked 3-4 times by using php injection or sql injection. Some one trying to attack on any USA bank via our website said by the our hosting company. they suspended our account all times after getting complain from Bank security expert, they help us to clean our website all time but now they said its last time we are unsuspend your account. We dont want to loose our website and also doesn’t want to trouble any one. Any one here who tell us how to solve the issue. please suggest some needful

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  • I use sucuri for these incidents.


    If you need help you can ask

    Firstly get a backup of your website, your files and your database.

    Then change ALL your passwords, this includes cPanel, FTP, WordPress admin, even email.

    Then follow ALL the instructions here:

    Try and work out how you are being hacked, examine the access logs.

    @posafoundation if you are on shared hosting you may want to think about moving to another trusted host. Some shared hosting platforms do not block other sites from accessing other sites. Although rare, it does happen.

    Next thing would be to make sure you you have everything updated and cleaned out. If there is not update for a plugin, you may want to contact the author. Plugins not updated are plugins that can cause wide open gaps in security.

    If you are sure your site was cleaned and everything was updated and you still was hacked, there is a vulnerable theme or plugin or the hosting platform is simply not secure. Attacking a bank for whatever reason sound a but involved and the server itself may have been compromised.

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