• Hi people,
    there are a few things on this webpage I don’t like and would like to initiate their change :). Well, mostly it’s not about content now, but about the design / look.

    – Differ visited links! Yeah, I have got “a little bit” problem while browsing wp.org, because I don’t remember which pages I visited yet, which not. Different color for visited links would be very, very helpful.
    – Differerntiate code blocks! It doesn’t matter how, there are many possibilities… (darker background, left-margin, …, …)
    – Emphasize low-level headings! I have problems with recognising some headings that are so small, that they look just like other common text… (here it can be caused by my browser & text-anti-aliasing… but…) By the way heading’s highligting must not be handled only by font size…
    – That’s all for now.

    As you can see, every of my wishes is oriented to lucidity, intuitivity, usability – from my point of view. Well, at the end I’d like to say… I hope my opinions/wishes share more people and in result some of them will be filled :). (What do you think about that?)

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