My theme SUCKS
My blog is at sandwichreport*com
My theme really sucks. I’ve noticed so many problems with it. I’m not great with coding so I really had no way of knowing until now that I would have all these problems.
Here are a couple things I’ve noticed:
on the right sidebar of my blog some posts have double underlines for example under the words “West Side” . I wanna get rid of that.Then also I tried to download this really cool plug in by Michael Torbert called the SMS plug in. After I installed it I found out from Michael himself that my theme wouldn’t allow it because the theme isn’t using the widget panel but instead using its own css to add to the sidebar.
These were Michael’s comments to me on how to go about adding his widget:
In one of your sidebar files, you’ll see dynamic_sidebar(__(‘sidebar2’
Anything inside of that function is shown if no widgets have been added through the administrative interface. If there are ones in the administrative interface, they will not show up. Anything you add above or below that function will show up along with ones added through the administrative interface.
You have 2 options:
1) Move the widgets from inside the dynamic_sidebar() function to above or below it, then add my SMS Text Message widget in the admin interface.
2)Only use the admin interface, and add your current widgets through that along with SMS Text Message.He also went on to say that Instead of using sidebar 1 my theme uses sidebar 2.
can someone please explain how to do what Michael suggested?
I don’t want to lose all the posts I’ve already put up.
In addition to all the above, I found out that the theme was hacked when I tried to return to the page where I got it!!
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