• Resolved tovbar


    As you can see on this screenshot (https://prnt.sc/xn84v4) it’s saying I have 0 visitors and 8 pageviews. On the bottom you can see that I had 1 visitors on my pages.

    1. How it’s possible that I have 8 pageviews but no visitors at all? If someone entered the site a few times it means he had to enter at least one as a unique visitor, so it should be minimum 1 visitor. What am I missing here?

    2. Why it’s saying 0 visitors, but on the pages list it’s saying I had 1 visitor?

    3. Here (https://prnt.sc/xnaz1r) it’s saying I have 86 pageviews, but if I’m counting the pageviews of the pages I get only 48. Why is that?

    Thanks a lot!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by tovbar.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by tovbar.
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  • Plugin Support Lap



    Please send us a link to this thread on support@ kokoanalytics.com

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter tovbar


    thank you Lap!

    Thread Starter tovbar


    One more issue:
    When I select “Last 28” days it’s selecting Jan 1 – Jan 29 (screenshot: https://prnt.sc/xtdzmf), so it’s actually 29 days and not 28.


    Thanks again!

    Plugin Support Lap


    ?It’s possible for a visit to start a day earlier and then for that visit to continue the next day if the visitor never closes that tab, or for example starts a visit just before midnight.
    ?That way, depending on the deleted date range it is possible to end up with 0 visitors, and a number of page views.
    ?We are probably going to show 1 visitor in his case just to prevent confusion, even though technically that visit started before midnight.

    Regarding the 28 days, I’m breaking my brain over this currently trying to figure out if a day starts at 0:00.00 or at 0:00.01 o’clock. Boxzilla starts the date range at 0:00.00 and ends it on 23, 59, 59 and I think this may have to do with the 28/29 days debacle. From what I found so far the disagreements on this issue are the reason that airplanes are never scheduled exactly at midnight. Will get Danny involved in thatone as well.

    Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please let me know!

    Plugin Support Lap


    Type above: *?That way, depending on the SELECTED date range it is possible to end up with 0 visitors, and a number of page views.

    Thread Starter tovbar


    Hey Lap,
    Sorry for the late reply – I didn’t ignore your comments but tried to check them deeper in order to understand what’s going on.
    I’m sending you in email a video my developer created showing things that are not making sense. I would really appreciate your support on this.

    Thanks a lot,

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