• Hello,

    I’m relatively new to this blogging stuff. You can find my weblog here:


    The design is made by me, to fit the general design of my site ( https://www.jowra.de ). Originally based on Kubrick, the CSS is now completely rewritten to suit my needs. ?? The theme is not really finished, but websites are never finished, right?

    It would be great if any Mac-Users could test my blog (layout), cause I have no access to a mac.

    Thanks and greets to all WordPressers. ??


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  • thank you!

    One thing is for sure, the day you release this theme is the day I start a blog ?? Your site looks awesome. Clean & beautifull.

    Please…. gimme gimme gimme ??

    Thread Starter jowra


    Thank you magma. =) You can already install you copy of WP, since I’m planning to upload the theme in a few days. ??

    I’m not shure about some issues at the moment:

    – Should I leave the header-part blank or insert some kind of general image?
    – I think I must remove the ‘photos’ section in the sidebar, since the random pics are done via a little php-script called random image rotator by automatic labs. Maybe someone doesn’t want this option or doesn’t want to install this script at all, hm?

    Imho, I think you should remove the photos part. I do like it but as you noticed it uses an external script. So leave it or keep it and include the script too. About the header part, keep it like it is. I think it is good enough and it isn’t to difficult to change by the user self.

    And don’t worry about my blog I’m busy configuring it ??

    Thread Starter jowra


    So here is the first version of my theme (called ‘relaxation’ ?? ).


    Have fun and if you encounter problems with this theme (it should be quite usable, but is not really finished) please let me know. =)

    I love the theme! Thank you so much for releasing it.

    Will you release the ‘folderblog’ template, as well? I would love that!

    Thread Starter jowra


    Well, I can do that, but the folderblog-design is still ‘work in progress’ I think in some days I will release it too, okay? =)

    btw. I’ve corrected some things in the wordpress-theme (especially the problem with the wrong indent of the link-list) so if you want to try/test it, please download the newest file. thanks.

    I’m just back home from a short minibreak. I’m downloading it now… Thank you for releasing it this fast…

    Thank you very much for those updates. I was just now trying to fix that indent (even though I only saw it on IE, and I use FF mostly). Too, I changed some of the labels that were still in German, such as “Abschiken” > “Submit” and Els ? > “Logged in as”.

    I eagerly await the folderblog template. Thank you so very much!

    Thread Starter jowra


    Your right, there are so many phrases that I’ve hardcoded to german *urgh* … but I hopefully find them all. ?? In the future I will make extensive use of the localize-function of php, thats for shure. ??

    this nice forum and nice community..
    come to my blog on https://herry.tk
    tank’s.. ??

    Wonderful. Calming and very neat. I love it! The inclusion of the option for the ‘folderblog’ template would make this desgin awesome. I look forward to that. Very nice of your to offer your design skills in this way. Gives you faith in humanity! ??

    Thread Starter jowra


    Thanks Trout. ??

    Including the folderblog-template in the theme- zip-file ist a great idea. especially the fb-template ist far from being finished, but I think it is in a status, that most people can use and modify it for themself, so maybe, I will pack all together and loading it up tomorrow. ??

    Very nice! So clean, I love how the colors work so well with each other

    In Firefox 1.0.3 on my Mac you don’t get a smooth bevelled ‘Send (Abschicken)’ button on the comments page like you do in Safari. And drop shadows do not appear in the ‘search’ window, or the ‘comments’ windows. What you get instead in Firefox is just a flat window and a flat ‘Send (Abschicken)’ word. Can this be corrected?
    I’ve post this request here too: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic.php?id=30974
    Other than that, everything’s working wonderfully!

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