my website doesn’t work anymore!! this is a real strange one…
my site was working fine but now the css won’t load… check it out.
if you check the source code it says that there is no doc type declaration but there is and it should be working perfectly. (check my code below).
now if you use firebug and go into the <head> area it suggests that it’s looking for a random css file…
<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”//” media=”all”>
i don’t know where the hell it’s getting that from, or what it is as my code should be pointing to my proper style.css
if you take out the “//” in firebug and replace it with the actual path to my css style sheet which is “ Vids Theme/style.css” then it works like it should!!!!
but as you can see in my code, it’s already pointing there and the doc type is there as well. so even though my code looks to be working perfectly something seems to be messing up!!!
please can someone be a legend and help me out on this? i don’t have any idea what’s wrong with it!
thanks in advance for any help!
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