• So this is what happened: My website is gone.
    This is the second time it happens this week and I don’t know what kind of thing I am doing wrong.
    First time I was putting the code of Google Analytics on it and suddenly it dissapeared.
    Never knew what happened and I had to do all the web again.
    Now I cannot do that! I can’t restart my website everytime it’s gone!
    I wanted to erase the message from bluehost that says “coming soon”. I read some advices in forums telling that I needed to delete the file comingsoon.php from my ftp.
    I was freakily scared of doing it because due to what already happened about four days ago… I was fearing that my website was gone again.
    And that is exactly what happened.
    I don’t know what to do!! Please help me!

    (I use bluehost)

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  • I think you might be dealing with two separate issues. First you might need to remove the default “coming soon” holding page in order to make your site visible to the public. Sometimes it’s and index.html file, or default.html, or something similar. BlueHost FAQ or support should be able to tell you which file you can safely remove.

    Second, sometimes adding code to files – in this case Google Analytics code – can cause issues if there’s an accidental error in the edit. Sometimes even very slight errors will cause blank pages or an error message.

    You can usually easily fix the problem by making sure you have a backup copy of the file you’re placing the code in, just in case. That way if something goes wrong, it’s a quick and easy fix to just replace the file you placed the code in with your backup copy and try again.

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