Thanks, roostertail, for the great info! I tried WP e-commerce and it did not seem to work well for me at all. Maybe I will give eShop a try, but it doesn’t sound like that one is very easy to start with either. I took a break from WP e-commerce, but maybe like you did with eShop, I just need to keep playing with it more. I appreciate your info and advice and will keep you in mind if I go the eShop route.
I have had the same thoughts regarding Etsy. You definitely get your shop out there, even if it is among a lot of competition. And they get a piece of the sale, but when just starting out, it may be worth the extra exposure. Since I don’t have my own e-commerce site set up yet, that part won’t be going away anytime soon. LOL!
Thanks again for all the comments. I appreciate the help and advice. ??