• myPress is a WordPress plugin that allows crossposting, editing, and deleting of posts from myspace.

    Now, there are only a few people that have used the script, so I would like some opinions, comments, feedback, etc.

    The code is based on the myspace wordpress hack, which was converted to a plugin. Which was then converted (using some skeleton code from croissanga) to allow editing and deleting. Next the options pane was added (with a few extended options), and finally, autogeneration of the required SQL table.

    You can find myPress at https://www.thenullpointer.net/wordpress/scripts/myspacepress

    I would love to hear any feedback people have to offer.

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  • Has anyone been able to get this working in synch with livepress? I Want to be able to cross post to both my myspace and lj!


    hmm, I could be missing something ..

    I’ve just set up mypress, works just fine for me.

    but, I would like the posting to myspace to be NOT automatic. I would like, perhaps a checkbox ‘post this to myspace’ or something. not everything that goes in my wordpress do I want automatically on my myspace.

    am I just blind?

    From the looks of it, the major problem is using livepress and mypress working together.

    Any ideas?

    I am using MyPress and Live+Press at the same time and have no problems at all. That is, I didn’t have problems until after I realized that there were MyPress options in the Dashboard. Doh! Otherwise, how would MyPress know who you are on MySpace?

    Check the directory path for the plugin, and make sure you fill out those options.

    Well, I put the mypress folder inside the plugins folder, filled out the options page for it, and nuffin. I see that it did create the table “myspace_wp_post_map” and it’s got 62 posts in there (apparently all the ones I’ve done since installing the plugin) – but none of them seem to be making their way over to MySpace.

    Thanks for the plugin.

    The MySql table has been created and there is a corresponding MySpace Id for the WordPress ID, however the post has not actually appeared on MySpace, any thoughts? Im using WP 1.5.2.

    jonefoley – i’m in the exact same boat as you …
    wish their were an official word from mannkind but after much digging on his site and elsewhere, i believe the problems lie with myspace.com modifying their code in order to break handy plugins and orher such outside of myspace utilities. Last note i found from developer was a reply to a post on sept. 19th (scroll a page or 2) @


    looks like we’ll have to wait for myspace to cooporate with 3rd party, though it only seems less likely with their growth and new more corpotate mentality but who knows…

    I have been messin around with this plugin. It seems myspace added a hash to the blog entry page, that changes everytime you visit. Work around for now.. until I can post this somewhere better is as follows:

    Line 188: mypress-driver.php

    //hash fix
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.create&editor=true");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie);
    $p = curl_exec($ch);
    $search = "input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hash\" value=\"";
    $pos = strpos($p, $search) + strlen($search);;
    $next = strpos($p, ">", $pos) -1;
    $s = substr($p, $pos, ($next-$pos));
    $hash = $s;
    $post_params .= "&hash=$hash";
    //end hash fix

    That should fix it up. Simply pulls the hash code out of the webpage and adds it to the post variables. Sneaky sneaky…

    Also for the problem addressed above about the missing myspace_ID in the DB. You want to make sure that you actually create the cookie file and give it permissions to be written to. It needs to be located in the directory you set in your options, and at default filename is ‘mySpace_tehCookie’.

    Hope this helps… I was able to get it working with WordPress 1.5.2 and this hack.

    Excellent work! I had been able to get crossposting to work for a single post, but after posting a second time, the 1st was deleted. This workaround works perfectly for me. Hopefully it will last for a bit ’til myspace decides to break things once again. Thanks again!!

    I posted this hack so if anyone uses it and has any problems please contact me. All the files you need are here also…

    Thanks, ??


    YES!! It works great for me so far lol!! Thx alot for this! =)

    twistedsociety666: YES!! IT FLUCKIN WORKS!!
    twistedsociety666: https://www.myspace.com/thevindictivebastard
    twistedsociety666: and https://www.vindictivebastard.net/blog


    P.S. If I happen to run into posts being deleted or something though, I’ll let ya know to… just hope they don’t.. <knocks on wood> lol.. UPDATE: It hasn’t deleted anything as far as I know…. again this is awesome and thanks!!

    the workaround worked once, then it stopped working …

    I don’t understand


    Well I couldn’t get the workaround to go, and then I noticed that XrisXros is supposedly the replacement to MyPress, but that doesn’t do anything either…

    Is there something we have to do on our end to make/store a cookie? If so, what?

    Edit: also, XrisXross broke my LiveJournal plugin…

    Thread Starter mannkind


    I didn’t realize this thread was still going on so much.
    XrisXros is the replacement for MyPress and MindPress.
    It works afaik, recent tests with WordPress 2.0 seem to work as well (although this has not been *completely* tested)

    XrisXros doesn’t break the LivePress plugin, I was using the two together in 1.5 just fine. In fact, I was using LivePress and Crossixanga (sp?) as well as my plugins. However, LivePress doesn’t work in WP2.0.

    I don’t check this forum that often, but I’d suggest if you have problems to comment in the most recent post about xrisxros or plugins on my blog (I guess you can’t comment in ‘pages’) …

    Enjoy the new year!

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