Because the table structure and execution environment is unknown, complete advice I can not. When I read your error message, I noticed loop does not seem to rotate because the argument is not an array.
Depending on the version of PHP, it might deployment of a formula by function is not possible in the argument of the foreach.
So, sorry to trouble, but you might potentially be resolved by renovation as follows: the line 73 of ”cdbt-public-list.php”.
Original source:
foreach (array_shift($total_data) as $key => $val) {
if ($key == 'COUNT(*)') {
$total_data = intval($val);
To customized source:
if (is_array($total_data)) {
$total_data = array_shift($total_data);
foreach ($total_data as $key => $val) {
if ($key == 'COUNT(*)') {
$total_data = intval($val);
} else {
$total_data = 0;
If your situation to improve, I will reflect the release of bug fix version of the next.