• I have a nifty little problem… After everything is correctly configured i go to the /wp-admin/install.php (and i don’t get by step 1).

    SQL/DB Error — [
    1. Error establishing a database connection!Are you sure you have the correct user/password?
    2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    3. Are you sure that the database server is running?

    Bla bla bla, and a lot of code from wp-db.php.

    At the bottom(footer?) i get this:
    Warning: pg_last_error(): No PostgreSQL link opened yet in /var/www/kimbo/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 94

    The thing is… PostreSQL? I use MySQL and yes everything is working just fine… I own several servers, used things like this thousends of times before.

    As i see it wp-db.php is using PostgreSQL commands, and wp-config.php and install.php is using MySQL commands.

    I could not find a smiliar problem/post on the forum, so sorry if i missed it(I gave up on page 37).
    // ** MySQL settings ** //
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’); // The name of the database
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘wordpress’); // Your MySQL username
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’); // …and password
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    And yes, the server is up and running, the user has priviliges, the database is created, password correct and so on.

    And thanks to any one who know what the problem is!

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  • If you are seeing raw code then either the server isn’t running php or the file was uploaded in Binary not ASCII mode. Could one of those be the culprit ?

    Thread Starter tr0stvik


    PHP is up and running, i see no php-codes(only mysql query code)… and the file was obtained by using;
    1. wget file.tar.gz
    2. tar -zxf file.tar.gz

    So i could not say that covers it. Sorry, but thanks anyway.

    What version of MySql are you running? Do you have a command line interface (to MySql) available? If yes, try setting your mysql user account password (in mysql) with old_password().

    set password for ‘someone’@’somewhere = old_password(‘passphrase’);

    When wordpress scripts like wp-install attempt a connect to mysql, and that connect fails, strange things happen.
    I just recently worked through something like this.
    The key here is wp-install, and others go bonkers when a mysql_connect() request fails unexpectedly.
    Good Luck

    Thread Starter tr0stvik


    The MySQL server is version 4.1.14-log.

    And yes, i tried that before posting here… And there was no change by the way.


    Look for yourselfs =)

    The thing is that i see myself as a experienced user when it comes to webhosting….(since I host webpages for many people on my 3 Gentoo servers)

    And when i now everything is correct and it still doesnt work… urk, i go crazy =)

    Hugs ;P

    Thread Starter tr0stvik


    Someone? =)

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